Jiren X Reader Pt2

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I may or may not have specifically searched for a picture that showed how fabulous Jiren's ass is. XD.

Requested by:@Jackelyne8  

@Princess_Kale i'm mentioning you to torture you with my Jiren one shots.

Love fangirling over Jiren with ya bud. Your one of few people i can fangirl over him with, (also other ones just Jiren is the more mentionable of them all)

Warning this will be a bit violent so if you don't like violence (although i'm not sure how if you like dbz) don't read i guess.

It had been about a month since you first met Jiren. You hadn't seen him since that day either. He gave you a number to keep in contact with him, however you felt that you'd be a nuisance if you did. You'd just get in the way of his work as a Pride Trooper. Besides you felt that he probably forgot all about you by now anyway

Oh how you hoped deep down inside that Jiren remembered you, and had you in his thoughts. You most certainly did Thinking back to that cold night a month ago when you snuggled each other would make you blush like a tomato on the spot. The way his arms wrapped around you, gentle yet somehow a strong grip would make your heart beat faster just thinking about it. Of course the best thing of all was the quick peck on your cheek. Just thinking about it could make your heart stop on the spot.

All this thinking about him you'd think you'd call him or drop a text once. Nope, of course you can't find any courage to do that, and any that remains gets stifled out by self doubt.

"Hey, (Y/N), what is wrong with you. You look like a tomato that's about to pass out any second", (F/N) questioned.

You mentally face palmed. 

How could you get so distracted thinking about Jiren that you forgot you went out to lunch with (F/N). On top of that it was his/her birthday, and you were literally ignoring her/him because you were thinking about a guy you have yet to tell him/her about.

"(Y/N), i know that look. Who is the guy your thinking about. spill the beans", (F/N)said with a smirk.

"You remember last month when Bob came back and i embarrassed myself and ran into the woods", you asked?

"Yeah," (F/N) listening closely.

"Well i got lost, and by luck cam across Jiren the Pride Trooper i had a small crush on. He helped me survive the night in the woods, and we even snuggled cause it was really cold out that night. He returned me to town the next day. Before Jiren left he gave me his number and kissed my cheek", you explained while blushing.

"Wow, lucky you. So are you two dating now?", (F/N) asked excitedly.

"Well, i'm not sure. I haven't talked to him since i saw him last", you replied sheepishly.

"He gave you his number, why haven't you called him", (F/N) questioned.

"I thought i would be a nuisance", you replied frowning.

"(Y/n) give me your phone and the number he gave you. We're calling him", (F/N) demanded.

You handed (F/N) your phone and the piece of paper with Jiren's number. You felt nervous as you watched him/her dial the number. What if he doesn't answer? What if he does and already forgot me?

Out of an old habit you started to bite your nails while you sat there listening to the phone ringing. You weren't sure if he would pick up or not but no matter what out come you sure as hell weren't prepared for it.

Dbz/Dbs Jiren/Shin/Piccolo/Daishinkan/Hit X Reader One Shots (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now