6: Drraammaaaaa

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Chase's POV:
After me and Zuma had forgiven each other, we became really great friends. We used to talk all the time. But then I forgot about my real bestfriend, Marshall. I wanted to know what was going on between him and Rocky. I was free and wasn't really talking to anyone so I knock on his pup-house.
Marshall: "Rocky? Is that you?"
Chase: "No, I-it's Chase."
Marshall: "Oh..."
He slowly opens the door.
Marshall: "H-Hi Chase! What's up?"
Chase: "We need to talk. We're best friends and haven't really talked in a long time."
Marshall: "Okay. What is it?"
Chase: "What's been going on between you and Rocky?"
Marshall: "Uhh, why do you wanna know?"
Chase: "I always walk past your pup-house and you guys are always snuggling up with eachother."
Marshall: "Well, ummm...."
Chase: ...
Marshall: "M-Me and Rocky a-are kinda... t-together."
I was in shock.
Chase: "Really?? You're gay?"
Marshall slightly nods.
Chase: "Why??"
Marshall: "Chase I've always likes you. But obviously you're not interested in me."
Chase: "Marshall I am interested in you-" Chase was cut off by a gasp.
Marshall: "Rocky!! It's not what it looks like!"
Rocky's POV:
I was going to Marshall's pup-house when I heard some noise, I decided to eavesdrop.
Marshall: "Chase, I've always liked you. But obviously you're not interested in me."
Chase: "Marshall I am interested in you."
I gasp. Marshall... cheated on me! I gasped a little too loud and Marshall heard.
Marshall: "Rocky!! It's not what it looks like!"
Rocky: "Really? Well it looks like you're cheating on me! Chase, I can't believe you, I'm telling Skye!!"
Chase: "Rocky wait!"
Rubble's POV:
I wake up, did I pass out? I try to stretch but I realize I'm all tied up. I scream to the top of my lungs.
Rubble: "WHERE AM I??"
??: "Oh quiet, pup."
I remember that British accident anywhere....
Rubble: "Sweetie??"
Sweetie: "Yes, Rubble boo. You hate the PAW Patrol, right?"
I slightly nod.
Sweetie: "Then Be my bae and we can destroy them!"
Rubble: "B-But I can't betray them like that..."
Then Humdinger shows up.
Humdinger: "Hey pup, I've got a deal for you."
He takes out two rubies.
Rubble: "No way... it's my dream to get a ruby! I've been digging everywhere to find it!"
Humdinger: "If you join us, this will be ALL yours."
I love the PAW Patrol but I can't resist the ruby...
Rubble: "I'll do it!"
Humdinger: "Great!"
Humdinger gives the rubies to me, but it didn't feel right.
Rubble: "Hey! This isn't a ruby, it's plastic! I'm outta here!"
Right as he was going to the door, Humdinger blasted him with a hypnotize ray.
Humdinger: "Now he'll be under our control!"

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