12: Underway

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Katie's POV:
It was time to begin Rocky's surgery. I walk in the room and see them cuddled up sleeping. Aww, how cute. Hate to wake them up now but I have to. I slowly shake Marshall.
Marshall: "H-Huh?"
Katie: "We need to begin Rocky's surgery."
After I said the word "surgery", Rocky's eyes darted Open.
Rocky: "Wait now?? No please tomorrow please!!! I'm begging you!"
Katie: "Don't worry, Rocky. We'll put you asleep, you won't feel any pain."
Rocky: "I hope."
Katie brings out the needle that puts you asleep (I just assumed it's a needle idrk how they do it😂)
Rocky: "N-No... not a needle! Anything but that! And water."
Marshall: "It'll Be Alright, Rocky. Just hold my hand."
Rocky: "Okay. I'm trusting you."
After like 5 seconds, Rocky was straight asleep.
Katie: "Time for the surgery! Remember, Marshall. One wrong move and you could possible kill him."
Marshall: "Okay..."
Marshall's POV:
Marshall: "Katie I'm so sorry! I thought that would go there!"
Katie: "I Only told you to pass me things! I never told you to do the surgery with me!"
Marshall: "I'm sorry! I just wanted to help Rocky..."
Katie: "Well that FAILED! Because you could have killed your own BOYFRIEND!"
Marshall: "B-But..."
Katie: "NO BUTS! GO HOME!"
I slowly walked home with my head drooped, and tears in my eyes.

Oh nooooooooooooooooooooo

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