11: Visiting Rocky

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The PAW Patrol comes in Katie's shop.
Katie: "Oh, hey PAW Patrol! Here to see Rocky?"
All: "Yeah."
Katie: "Well follow me."
We followed her into some hospital bed and Rocky was lying there. Marshall immediatley ran up to him.
Marshall: "R-Rocky, why did this all happen??"
He begins to cry.
Katie: "It's okay, Marshall. If it helps, you can help me heal him, after all, you're the EMT pup."
Marshall: "I can? Woohoo! I'll do anything to keep you alive, Rocky!"
Katie: "Great! You can come over tommorrow and help me with his surgery."
Marshall: "Okay Katie!"
Ryder: "Pups, we need to be heading home. It's getting dark."
They hopped back in their vehicles and drove back to the lookout and went to sleep.

The next day, Marshall was the first one up, ready to go.
Ryder: "Going already Marshall?"
Marshall: "Yup! I got everything in my truck to help me with Rocky's surgery."
Ryder: "Okay, Marshall. Have fun."
Marshall hopped in his truck and left to Katie's.
Ryder: "What do you Pups wanna do today?"
Chase: "Ryder I suggest we stay home for a bit, everything had been a bit crazy."
Ryder: "Yeah, I can agree on that."
Marshall's POV:
When I came in, Katie approached me.
Katie: "Here already?? Wow, you must really care about Rocky."
Marshall: "Yeah, Why wouldn't I?"
Katie: "His surgery isn't starting yet, so why don't you help me make his breakfast?"
Marshall: "I'd love to!"
We walked inside the kitchen and got Rocky some kibble and walked in his room.
Rocky: "Th-Thanks."
Rocky slightly licked him. Marshall turned as red as his own suit.
Katie: "Let's give Rocky some alone time."
Marshall: "Wait! Can I stay here with him?"
Katie: "If Rocky wants to, it's fine."
Rocky: "I won't mind."
Katie: "Okay, I'll leave you two lovebirds alone."
Katie closed the door and Rocky begins to speak.
Rocky: "I'm sorry."
Marshall: "For What?"
Rocky: "Everything. I was stupid to think that you would cheat on me with Chase. And if I didn't even think that, I wouldn't even be in a hospital bed."
Marshall: "It's Alright, buddy. Mistakes happen."
They kiss for about a minute, cuddle up, and they both slowly shut their eyes...

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