Six: Late Dawns And Early Sunsets

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Heaven Help Us // [Frerard]

Chapter Six: Late Dawns And Early Sunsets

I followed Father Gerard outside the chapel, one or two steps behind him out of habit, which only turned out to be a positive when I realised that, from here, I had a perfect view of his sweet ass. Okay, Frank, you're kinda sounding a little pervy right now.

I didn't really care.

"Hurry up," he said, as if reading my mind and becoming increasingly more uncomfortable at my overly inappropriate thoughts.

I did as he said, feeling the strange chill of the wind against my face as I jogged towards him. It was a warm day.

"Beautiful day, isn't it?" He said cheerfully once I was next to him, our feet in perfect sync.

I wouldn't say beautiful. It was merely 'acceptable' weather.

I nodded at him, although confused at his remark and not just because it wasn't beautiful. From the paleness of his skin, I highly doubted he often spent much of his time exposed to direct sunlight, almost like some kind of vampire.

"Not like I enjoy the sun much," he chuckled and I genuinely was starting to believe that he had mind reading skills, a thought that terrified me to the bone, "it gets annoying after a while."

He shrugged, opening the doors to the main school building and allowing me through first, closing it gently behind him.

We stopped for a while, stood by the door. I was awaiting for him to lead me in the direction but, instead, he just stood there, raising a straightened eyebrow at me.

"You're quiet today," he commented, "everything okay?"

I nodded a little too quickly.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine" I rushed, "just a little tired, that's all."

"Oh, okay," he didn't look convinced, "just remember you can talk to me about anything."

He placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Anything at all."

"Thanks," I finally spoke.

Luckily, he didn't press on the subject and just started leading me up to his office instead of continuing the conversation.

I was greeted into the familiar office quickly by Father Gerard and I noticed that he'd redecorated parts and the office table was to the left of the office instead of the middle, creating an effect that made the office look much more vast.

"You redecorated?" I said, caught off guard at my new surroundings.

"Yeah, I was bored last night," he shrugged, taking a seat at his end of the table, "I finished marking all of my students' work and I read through all the paperwork on my schedule. I considered reading ahead and going through some of your files but I decided that would be a very boring end to the day."

My heart sank a little; my ego was wounded. Looking through my stuff would be too boring for him? The added 'very' was just an extra stab in the gut for me. Part of my head knew it was foolish to get offended over such a ridiculous thing, I mean, obviously reading through anyone's report would be an excruciatingly boring activity but a small part actually believed that I could have been some special exception.

I didn't quite grasp the reasoning behind the second part.

I took a seat on the office chair at the end of the desk, intertwining my long fingers with each other underneath the table.

"I have work for you," he mumbled, looking through a plethora of papers as he spoke. I realised that there was a single sheet of lined paper in front of me, a pen placed neatly beside it.

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