Ten: The Chapter Where Frank References tøp And Pisses Gerard Off

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Heaven Help Us // [Frerard]

Chapter Ten: The Chapter Where Frank References tøp And Pisses Gerard Off

Tree-climbing had always been a strong hobby of mine ever since I was younger, mainly to escape the constant digs from my mother and actually have some time where my every action wasn't stalked by some ancient cracked Jesus ornament that she seemed to litter in every room of the house.

Despite the majority of the teachers being a load of stuck-up prudes, catholic school had turned out to be nowhere near as bad as I had expected: I had a friend, a hot guy to drool over and I was miles away from home.

Speaking of my friend, Steph seemed to be engrossed in some YouTube video with her headphones plugged in, which summed up just how sociable our friendship was, but I didn't mind at all: I was too busy being overly infatuated with the sky. It was a pretty combination of orange and blue, after the sun had now almost risen into the air, and I wondered whether the school had noticed our absence yet, and I wondered exactly what Gerard was doing right now.

Probably only boring priest stuff, but I managed to entertain myself by thinking about it anyway: the look of concentration across his face, the way his tongue rolled along his lips as his beautiful eyes flickered across-

"Oi!" I jumped at the sudden shout from a man below my feet, pulling me unexpectedly out of my daydream, "who's this faggot sat in my spot?"

My neck snapped down at a man with a vibrant pink mohican, surrounded by a couple others who I assumed were his little 'punk gang', or they at least looked like that anyway.

From the girl with the ripped fishnets and a tartan skirt and bright red lipstick; to the boy with spiked hair and a striped tie; and the the girl wearing all black with a pink bow tie with blonde highlights, this group of friends were undeniably punk.

And I would have bet my precious Pansy on that very spot that one of those girls alone could whip my ass and send me straight to the emergency room.

It was actually rather intimidating.

"Jimmy, darling!" Steph shouted happily, swinging herself from the branch to the floor in one swift motion and embracing the pink haired man in a tight sloppy hug. "This is Frank. He's just came from the States. He's pretty awesome."

I mimicked Steph's actions by swinging off the branc so I could get a better view of these guys and maybe even make a few other friends....Although that hope was probably a little too adventurous, seeing as luck had lately been a little too far on my side, and I was getting slightly suspicious.

"Frankie stole my spot," Jimmy pouted, resembling a somewhat arrogant five year old being denied candy, and I couldn't help but giggle at his 'immature as fuck' reaction.

"Frank, honey, never take Jimmy's spot," the girl with the highlights warned. "You know that Sheldon dude from the Big Bang Theory? Yeah, he's like that, except probably even worse. I'm sorta surprised Steph never gave you some kind of heads up."

I looked at Steph, who was glancing apologetically towards me, before glaring at Jimmy was already sprinting up the tree and into 'his spot'.

"I should probably introduce you guys," Steph finally said. "This one you've already spoken to is Kitty-" she motioned towards the girl with highlights who had already spoken to me - "this guy here is Steve-" again to the guy in the tie - "and the girl over there is Lindsey. I actually think you would get on with her. She's the punkiest girl I know, anyway."

I noticed how Lindsey had distanced herself from the group, a limp unlit cigarette dangling from one side of her red lips as she typed out some text message on her phone.

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