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I was sandwiched between JungKook and TaeHyung in the back of a sleek black Suburban. The air was suffocating, but being next to TaeHyung made me a little more comfortable. My overall impression of them was that they didn't seem like murderers, but in some ways, I knew they were dangerous men. NamJoon gave the impression of true courtesy, but there was no doubt that he is not the type of man to take someone's bullshit. 

JungKook was a very obedient servant, almost like a puppy. I don't see how he fits in with NamJoon's gang. The only part of him that intimidated me even the slightest was how muscular he was, but it seemed all of them had a good amount of muscle. 

YoonGi seemed like he fit in with the label as sociopathic killer. I'd never seen someone so emotionless and quiet. I can't recall if he's even said a word to me, but I'm relieved. I feel as though his voice would damn me to hell. 

SeokJin had a fatherly aura around him. Maybe it's because he's the eldest, but he's always making sure TaeHyung or HoSeok is acting accordingly or making sure everyone is comfortable. Just as we got in this car, he asked me who I would feel most comfortable sitting around. It didn't seem as though NamJoon had ordered him to do so, but SeokJin was coming from a place of pure concern. 

JiMin was nothing short of a beautiful man, that first impression still stands true. He did, however, seem to know his effect on women and even men. He walked with such confidence and grace that someone could easily mistake him for the leader. If it weren't for NamJoon's looming presence and commanding aura, I'm sure JiMin would take control of Imperium Syndicate. 

HoSeok still didn't fit in. He seemed so bubbly and optimistic. I questioned why he involved himself with these men. 

TaeHyung naturally didn't scare me. He'd given me smiles every time I'd seen him. His voice is deep, but soothing and I can't help but to compare him to JiSu. JiSu is like a sister to me, so I guess by default, TaeHyung is my brother. It's an odd trio, but I'm sure it'll do. 

My impression of NamJoon is certainly still cloudy. Out of all of the men, he's confused me the most. He's so demeaning in his words, yet he's polite. Condescending words were always spilling from his mouth, but he made every bit of it seem like a compliment. I don't know if I should hate him, love him, or be afraid. Actually, I know I have to be afraid. I am deathly afraid of NamJoon. 

It took only about 8 minutes to arrive back at the abandoned building that Imperium Syndicate calls home. The building towered over me and I had this awful feeling of imprisonment. SeokJin got out of the car first and walked briskly to the passenger side to open the door for NamJoon. As soon as NamJoon exited, the rest of the group exited. 

"Here," JungKook extended his hand. I took it and thanked him for his politeness. Just like that, all traces of human left JungKook's demeanor and he resumed his stone-cold stature. NamJoon started to walk towards the door and one by one, the men formed a single file line behind him. NamJoon opened the door and filed in his team. I stood outside, confused as to whether I should go in or make a run for it. NamJoon noticed my indecisiveness and walked towards me with a smile. 

"Come in, please," NamJoon move aside out from the doorway to allow me in. I hesitated, but I started walking. Every part of my body protested. My feet were heavy and my legs felt like noodles. My palms were slick with sweat and my mouth was intensely dry. Once I entered, I was enveloped by the surprisingly sweet smell of the room. "Do as you wish," NamJoon gestured to the rest of the group. Just like that, each man retired their stone faces and began to loosen up. YoonGi had already loosened his tie and yawned full-heartedly. HoSeok and TaeHyung giggled and dashed towards a different room, which was followed by the sound of a game console starting up. JungKook and SeokJin began to argue about dinner and JiMin unbuckled his belt, unzipped his dress pants half way, and laid down on the couch. Needless to say, I was shocked. These men are notorious killers? Yet they walk around with their pants undone and play some sort of fish game on the XBox? This is a fucking joke. JiSu had to be lying to me. "Please, follow me," NamJoon had gestured for me to walk with him. We walked passed JiMin, who was now slightly snoring. We walked into the room TaeHyung and HoSeok had dissipated into. They were arguing amongst themselves about who should be the first player. We continued walking until we came to staircase. At the top of the staircase was a bightly lit corridor with 9 doors, 4 on each side and one straight ahead. "You can find everyone's rooms up here," NamJoon said, walking towards the door that was straight ahead, "Your room is right there." He motioned to the last door on the left of the hallway. My room? I have a room here?

"Um, what exactly do you mean by 'My room'?" I questioned, no longer following him. NamJoon turned around; his face was of course plastered with a sweet smile. 

"You'll be staying with us until you're relieved from your obligations," I was taken aback. I have to stay with them? And what obligations do I have? I felt uneasy about this situation. Not only would I be living with 7 other MEN, but those men may or may not be killers. My eyes switched from the room to NamJoon. I swallowed, trying to moisten my dry throat. "Shall we proceed?" NamJoon had his hand on the doorknob. I nodded and slowly walked forward once more. This door opened to another staircase. We climbed the stairs into a dimly lit study. There was a desk with piles of papers and manilla folders neatly organized on top of it. There was a nicely sized bookcase that held dictionaries and encyclopedias with some other books sprinkled in there. There was a lounge chair located the far right of the room. It had a dark wood end table that matched the desk and on top of the end table was a vase of red dahlias. "This is my office," NamJoon broke the silence. He walked over to his desk and sat down on the plush leather chair. "You'll be helping me with paperwork. We sift through a lot of contracts and I get overwhelmed easily," he explained, "Your space is right there." NamJoon pointed to a small, but decently sized desk with a comfortable looking chair. There was some paper and a few pens and pencils in a cup on the desk. It seemed like a standard secretary's job. "You can start tomorrow. Have Tae show you to your room. I've sent YoonGi, SeokJin, and JungKook to get your belongings," NamJoon shooed me out of his office. I walked down the stairs and shut the door quietly. A wave of relief showered over me. I'm no longer in the same room as him. I closed my eyes, trying to calculate what my life has come to. My back slowly slid down the door until my butt hit the ground. I rested my head in my hands.

"What the hell is going on?" I ask myself. I began to hear pounding footsteps coming from the below staircase. I quickly regained my posture and was greeted by a smiling TaeHyung. 

"Hello, I'm supposed to show you to your room," he smirked at me. I smiled lightly at him and he walked over to the door that NamJoon had showed me earlier. He swung the door open to reveal a pretty decent sized room. TaeHyung grabbed my hand and led me inside. "You've got the smallest room, but it's still pretty nice," He breathed in the crisp air. It smelled like fresh paint. The room had obviously been cleaned vigorously because the smell of cleaner had mixed in with the paint smell. I walked over to the queen sized bed and sat down. It was perfectly comfortable and it felt as though no one had ever slept on it. Plush and new, just like everything else in this room. The vanity had no scratches on it; the mirror was spotless. There was a bag that was tied off by a bow on the vanity. "That's for you. It's a welcoming present from us. NamJoon worked hard to pick it out, so please like it," TaeHyung grabbed the bag and gave it to me. It felt heavy. 

"Thank you, TaeHyung," I smiled.

"Please, just call me Tae. JiSu calls me TaeHyung when I get in trouble, and I hate it," He laughed. I smiled slightly at his obvious youthfulness. "I'll leave you be, come down whenever. When SeokJin get's back, we'll have dinner."

With that, Tae had left. I was alone in this new room. I played with the pink bow that laid delicately  on the bag. Under the bow, I noticed a note. I opened the note to reveal a message from NamJoon. 

I hope I got the right size. Please enjoy them. They'll look really nice on you. 


I opened the bag to reveal a box with silver lettering that read 'Christian Louboutin, Paris'. 

"He got me shoes?" I asked myself. I quickly opened the box to reveal two glossy black heels. They had the staple red Louboutin soles and they looked so expensive. I had never seen such a beautiful pair of heels. I decided to switch my old nude heels that I got from a thrift store with the expensive heels that NamJoon got me. I sighed when I saw how beautiful they were. They contrasted with the paleness of my skin and the high shine glossiness of the shoes made them look like radiant jewels. I'd never felt so welcome in a place as dangerous as this. 

Imperium | BTS Mafia AU (NamJoon FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now