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Okay, here's the deal. I wrote this story on a whim without thinking about it and I did not think it'd get as successful as it is. A lot of you have been asking me what happened to this story so I feel as though I should just say it straight.

 This story is not what I wanted it to be, and to be quite frank, I hate it haha.

 As a writer, I'm really hard on myself and I just decided to publish a story because I wanted it to get out there, and I know it might be disappointing to you guys, but I can't finish this story. I did have an ending to it, and I thought it would be nice to just set it all out for you guys, IF YOU ARE INTERESTED!

If you are okay with never knowing the ending I had in mind, do NOT continue and know that I'm very sorry that I just can't finish this story! I'm just going to tell you simply, not put it in a story form. 


Okay, so YuNa is the daughter of a psychotic serial killer, which clearly would cause anyone severe psychological trauma. As she discovers everyone's pasts and comes closer and closer to killing people herself, she becomes jaded and obsessed with "not becoming her father". 

With her heavy thoughts, she wants to talk to her old friend and she goes to JiSu's apartment to talk. JiSu suggests that YuNa gets help, as in goes to a therapist to talk about what her issues were doing to her, but YuNa gets angry as she thinks that JiSu is saying that she is crazy. 

YuNa goes into an angry frenzy, bludgeoning JiSu's head with a beer bottle, which kills her. 

YuNa wakes up in the morning, not knowing what she had done. She was covered in blood, which only triggered her to remember what she had done to her friend. She didn't know what to do. She didn't want to call anyone to come pick her up, because they would be suspicious, but she couldn't bring herself to move from the room she was in in fear of looking at JiSu. 

JiSu's boyfriend comes home, seeing her dead body on the ground and is absolutely frantic. He doesn't know that YuNa is in the house until he goes into their bedroom and seeing YuNa sitting on the floor covered in blood. He confronts her and they get into a fight, ultimately ending in his demise.

YuNa has just killed two people, one being TaeHyung's sister. She believes she couldn't go back to Imperium, so she goes where she thought she'd be safe, Tenebris. She doesn't tell anyone what she had done, and she told the men of Tenebris that she was running away from NamJoon's abuse. However, they had their suspicions. 

Imperium go on a man hunt trying to find YuNa, not knowing what happened to JiSu and her boyfriend until they go knocking on her door. Seeing his dead sister, TaeHyung goes into a very dark mindset and vows to kill whoever did that to his family. Imperium then believe that whoever did this to JiSu, must have kidnapped YuNa. They go to Tenebris for help, seeing as they are "allies".

 YoonGi noticed that Tenebris was being shady, especially since they wouldn't let and member of Imperium inside. This raised suspicion and NamJoon tasked JungKook to hack into their facility. With a lot of effort, he eventually gets in, seeing the cameras that Tenebris had installed throughout their facility. He watched for days looking for anything suspicious. Finally, he saw SeHun with YuNa's sniper case, which means they have broken into Imperium at one point, that they have Yuna, and they killed JiSu and her boyfriend.

This sparks a war between the two organizations. As Tenebris began to see some of their members be killed off, they told YuNa to leave or admit why she was running away. YuNa confessed, causing her to be shunned from Tenebris and forcing her to go back to Imperium. 

Imperium was relieved to have her back, but Tenebris had tipped them off that maybe they shouldn't trust her. They brushed it off at first, but as the days went by and YuNa acted weirder and weirder, they confronted her. YuNa didn't confess at first, but as NamJoon coerced her, she finally confessed to him. He didn't say anything and dissapeared into his room. Without her knowledge, he had told SeokJin and told him to make a poison drink for all of them to consume as it is part of the contract. Once a member had been betrayed by another member, the organization is compromised and they must all die before they begin to slowly drift and kill each other off. He knew that once TaeHyung discovered that YuNa did what she did to his sister, he wouldn't hesitate to kill her. 

They all sat around the table, drink in hand, NamJoon and SeokJin only knowing what they were about to do, and they did a toast. 

"A toast to this family, in which no one can destroy," NamJoon held his glass high, staring YuNa in the face, "Is there anything anyone would like to get off their chest?"

They were silent. No one said anything. 

"You truly are a coward," he spoke his last words and threw back his drink, causing the domino effect and everyone took their last sip. 

That's the end. 


I'm sorry you guys didn't to actually experience what I wanted you to, but I couldn't finish something that I clearly couldn't put passion into. Of course, NamJoon and YuNa end up together for a brief interval and you get to discover each member's backstory, but I wouldn't worry too much about that because I have absolutely no idea what other gruesome backstory I could force upon you. However, I hope you enjoyed what you read and if you want some actual better writing from me, I would love to continue writing for you. However, I won't release it until I'm at least 90% satisfied with it and I have a good bit of the story processed and done. Please let me know if you want me to write for you. 

Thank you for reading this far!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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