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C O L E   S M I T H

I missed him. That day was his 15th birthday. That means it had been three years since he.. he went. Aston was one of my best friends. We always hung out, dreaming about how we would one day catch all the Pokemon.  And a few months later, I was, I don't know about him but my journey around the kalos region has been spectacular! I've already caught five Pokemon!  I've got Pikachu, squirtle, gengar, Arragon, and also a freaking gayrados! Wait, there's a black figure in the bushes! "Cole?" A soft voice emerges.

A S T O N  J O N E S

It's Cole! I swiftly sprint out of the bushes and the soft, shy voice turns into happy one as I wrap my arms around his shoulders (he's always been quite small) , he seems still quite confused. My face rests on his head as the comfort warms me.  "Cole! It's me! Aston!" And soon he recognises me, and we pull away  and he pauses, looking me up and down. It takes him a moment to reconise me.
"A-aston?" He stutters.
"It's me, dude," I smile. His eyes stare blanking at me before his force takes me back. His long, pale arms wrap around my chest and his head sits sidewards, in between my neck and shoulders. I smirk a little and he pulls away. I close my eyes, rubbing the back of my hair, thinking of an explanation. Suddenly, a punch to the face knocks out my train of thought.
"Why would you leave me like that?" His anger overwhelms me. "How could you do that? I thought you would never come back!"
"Yeah well," I begin to explain.

[Hey guys! I'm the writer of this book and it's super exciting because this is my first one. There is loads more to come hopefully updates everyday!

Please don't forget to follow me, vote and comment. I would love to see what your thoughts are and how I can improve. Also share it with your friends because I would love to get this quite popular! Thank you I love you alll so much x x x ]

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