Locks and Lockets

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I had an unconscious Pidge in my arms and a Shiro that was probably gonna hunt me down. I run into my room and throw Pidge on the bed (surprisingly she's still asleep) and lock the door. I sigh.
Lance POV
I 'accidentally' took a photo meanwhile Keith was running to remind me of the day he died. And surprisingly he showed up in the pic. I look at it. He Has Pidge In His Arms. Well, new folder.
Pidge POV
I woke up to see myself on Keith's bed and him putting random stuff on the door. "Keith?" I said. I was pretty tired. "Pidge!" He exclaimed. He got up and ran to me and fell on the trip to his bed. I giggled at the sight. "So. What happened to the emo I knew." I say with a smirk. "Shut up Pidge" Keith complains "look, I might get killed by Shiro sooo...might as well kill myself now." He sat down on the bed just beside me. "What happened?" I ask. "I said I don't fucking care...at all..." He replies. "Space dad is going to kill you."
"He also discovered we called him space dad and Allura mom. He also knows about Shallura."
"Bish you dead."
"Bish I DON'T GIVE A F-"I slap my hand over his mouth"vck.pdge f you domt les go I wiw kill chu." He said. I removed my hand and walked to the door and tripped. My locket that my dad gave me was in sight.
"What's that?" Keith asked.
"Nothing. It's nothing." I put the locket in my shirt. I walked at a fast speed but Keith pinned me to the wall. He was so close you would've thought he was murdering me. He saw the chain and grabbed it. He took the chain off and opened the locket. It contained a photo of me, my mom, my dad and matt. "You look cute in a dress." mullet said. "Shut up. Don't tell anyone." I took the locket and left the room. I heard someone scream. It sounded like a little girl.

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