Saving the Paladins

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"You know, I could just lead you there. Do you not trust me that much?" The blindfolded boy says.

"If I take off the blindfold, will you stay calm and not attack?"


"How do I know you're not lying?"

"Just take off the blindfold."

"No. Are you sure you won't attack?"

"I'm sure! Azaria, trust me."

"Sadly, I don't. But, I'll take it off." She takes off the blindfold. He looks around.

"Thank-" she handcuffs him. He stays silent for a moment. "I hate you." He scowls.

"I love you too." She smiles warmly. "Now, please, lead the way." He starts walking towards the forest. "Uhhh, I thought the castle was this way." she waves at the opposite direction. "You're going the opposite direction."

"Shortcut." His eyes are a dark brown. He keeps walking, so, she follows along.

"Hey," she gives him a little nudge. "Calisto, we should run to the castle. Like a race!"

"You don't know the way. And, I can't run with handcuffs...." his voice trails off. He smirks.

"What is it?" Azaria stops. He stops too. He leans in closer to her.

"Oh, nothing. Just the fact that there are guards everywhere in the castle. And, I have a perfect idea."

"What do you mean by 'a perfect idea'?" She pushes him away from her.

"I'm here to trap you in with the rest of the paladins. So, we use the handcuffs." He smirks. She groans.

"Fine. Only because I need to save them." She takes off the handcuffs and hands them to him.

"Wait, how's your hand okay?" He asks.

"Oh, I found this flower and it came with a crystal and I crushed it. It healed me. I was going to show you. But, everything went down the wrong way. I have it in my bag."

"Huh. Okay." He says. He handcuffs her and pushes her around.

"Ouch. There's nobody around."

"I know, it's just funny to see you in pain."

"I don't know if that's good for a healers apprentice."

"Nah, it's just you that I like seeing in pain."

"Wait, I hear something." Azaria stops. Unfortunately, Calisto accidentally doesn't stop early enough and falls, causing her to fall. "Shut up."

"I didn't even do anything! I fell!" He whisper-shouts.

"Shut up." She whispers, harsher. They stay silent. "Can you hear that?"

"Hear what."

"There it was again! And that was clear as day!" She keeps whispering. "How could you not hear it?"

"Look, I think you're going crazy. It's silent. Now, we've got to keep moving." He stands up and freezes in place.

"Are you okay?" Azaria stands up.

"I got chills. But, not the normal kind. You know, the kind that feels like you just turned into ice and got stabbed by something. But you could feel the stab."

"So, not the good kind?"

"OF COURSE IT'S NOT THE GOOD KIND!" He yells, causing Azaria to flinch.

"Geez, calm down. I've got this." She takes off her cloak and puts it on him. "So, you didn't hear a thing at all?"

"No! What did you hear?" Calisto says annoyed.

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