Allura knows best

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Shiro POV
"Princess, I-" I start. "Allura" she corrects me. I forgot that the only reason we did this bonding thing was because she needed me to stop calling her 'Princess'. "Allura...well we need to talk about this Shallura thing. I don't think you understand." I say. "You're right. I don't understand. But seriously, what does it mean?" She says with curiosity. "It's...umm..." I sigh. "It's a ship." I manage to say. "A ship? Where is it? Is it going to attack?" she gulps. "No. They. Think. We. Should. Be. A..." I really don't want to say it. "Couple." then I run away as fast as I can. I knock hard on Keith's room. "KEITH! OPEN UP!" said boy opens the door. I run in and lock the door. "What's wrong?" The dark haired male says. "I told Allura what Shallura means..." I mumble. "OH LORD! WHAT WAS HER REACTION! I HAVE TO TELL PIDGE AND HUNK!" Keith said. "I ran before I saw her reaction." I said. Keith ran out of his room.
Keith POV
I ran to Allura. She was standing there. Frozen. I go up to her and say "Hey. So what do you think about Shallura?" she just stood there. "Ohhhhhh. Now I get it. It's part of Shiro's name and mine! But why would we be a couple. I mean, he's my friend. He is very kind and responsible but I wouldn't think of him as a love interest. Sure he's attractive but-" I stop her mid-sentence. "You think what?" I say. I could feel a smirk appear on my face. I take out my phone and start recording. "You think what again?" I repeat. "Keith don't get the wrong idea. I think he's nice and responsible. But I don't love him. I will admit he is pretty attractive. But I don't like him in a crush way. I love him like a brother. That's it. Got it Keith?" she says. "And who are we talking about?" I grin. "Shiro..." she immediately turns around walking away. I don't stop grinning. I am soooo telling this to Shiro.
Allura POV
I don't like Shiro. Right? He's attractive. But I'm not being stupid and falling for his looks. But he's sooooo nice. He knows how to make anyone feel better. He is responsible and did come back to save me when I was captured by the galra. Ughhh. Allura what are you thinking. You can't fall in love with a paladin! He is perfect but love is at the bottom of your priorities.
Keith POV
I'm at my room. "Hey Shiro, guess what!" I exclaim. "What." he muttered. I immediately show him the video. After that his face was full of shock. "What does this mean?" he manages to get the words out of his mouth. "It means she likes you. Now go talk to her." I advised. "She doesn't. Now goodbye." he walks out. My otp ruined. Goodbye my dreams.
Sorry this was pure Shallura. Next chapter will be Kidge. I promise.

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