Guys Please Don't Kill Me

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A/N I drew Calisto in class. That's all I have for now.

"Why did Kim tell you to say that." I ask

"I don't know. She wants me to die. Pidge is a scary person. She didn't say when to say it. So, I'll say it later."

"So, let me get this straight, Keith and Pidge have a crush on each other. But, only you and Azaria, plus me, know about Keith's crush." I process this. I don't usually think of Keith as a guy who would have a crush. On anyone.

"Yes. And I have to yell who Pidge has a crush on in front of Keith. I'll die. I'm 100% sure of that." He crosses his arms.

"Why'd you tell Calisto to flirt? Azaria doesn't like anyone. She says they're a waste of time. And that truth thing, what if Azaria says some hurtful things? He seems like an insecure person." The Cuban doesn't respond.

"Lance, you know exactly what it's like to be insecure. Why would you do that?" There's a moment of silence.

"I think that Calisto needs a boost of confidence. You know that I was a lot more insecure when we were younger. I'm more confident now. Maybe this could be a good thing for the kid." He replies.

"Or Azaria would think he's creepy." I tell him.

"......What did I do?" He asks himself. We stop talking and actually sleep.

(Just putting this out there, they're sleeping on the couches. Some on the floor with blankets Calisto gave to them.)

*Next Morning*

3rd person
The small paladin of the group is the first one to wake up. A smirk creeping on to her face, "GUYS AZARIA WOKE UP!!!" All the other paladins wake up in a second.

"Pidge! Why'd you lie?" Lance throws a pillow at her.

"I like making people suffer."

"And this is why we're friends." Keith speaks.

"GUYS I THINK I DIED FOR A MINUTE!" A voice from another room screams.

"AZARIA?" The group yells. They run and open the door, revealing the small dark haired girl.

"Hi. I think I died for a moment. Maybe a nightmare. Whatever, that's not important."

"Dang it, Calisto was supposed to be here." Lance pouts.

"Who the heck is Calisto?"

"A guy we met yesterday. Lance dared him to flirt with you when you woke up. You woke up earlier than expected." Kim explains.

"That would've been weird." The aquamarine eyed girl sticks her tounge. "Hey! I have an idea! Keith flirts with Pidge so that she finally takes a hint! Anyways, there was this woman giving me some drink. Don't remember what it was. All I know is that it tastes good."

"AZARIA!" Keith yells. His face red of embarrassment.

"What? It did taste good." Azaria raises an eyebrow.

"YOU JUST-" He covers his face with his hands.


"Nope. This is better." Kim walks up to Keith. She puts her hands on his shoulders. "Keith, Pidge likes you too." They all look around for the small brunette. Turns out, she already left the room to fangirl. Then, Calisto opens the door, panting. He slams it shut behind him.

"I came as soon as I could." He manages to say.

"I heard that as 'I came as soon as I heard'. I was about to finish the lyric." Azaria states. "Who are you?" She asks. He looks up at her.

"I'm late. Aren't I?" He looks over to Lance.

"Yeah. Don't worry. Dare's canceled." He smiles.

"I'm Calisto. A healers apprentice." He takes his hand out. She takes it.

"Azaria. I heard tailors apprentice." She gives him a warm smile.

"Stop with the Hamilton references." Shiro suggests.

"I can't. It's natural." She grins.

"Has she had the-" he gets cut off by Allura.

"Yes. I'm guessing. She just said that Keith and Pidge have a crush on each other." She states. Keith is still red and in shock.

"Sorry. It just slipped out." Azaria says. He looks over at her. His blush dying down.

"It's fine." He says, giving a small smile. "I think I'll go talk to Pidge." He leaves the room. And everyone follows. Then, the realization stick hits Calisto.

"Wait. Azaria, right? You can't leave that room. You touched one of the deadliest plants! Stay there!" He goes back to the room, dragging Azaria down the hallway. He lays her on the bed. "Stay."


"Stay." Zaria pouts and crosses her arms, sitting down. "Good girl." He pats her head.

"What? Do I get a treat or something?" She snaps.

"Bad girl." He grins. She sticks her tongue out at him. He laughs. "I'll go get some other stuff to treat that burn there. Stay still." He leaves the room, smiling, and shutting the door. He walks back to the living room.

"What happened?" Lance asks.

"Nothing much. She just can't stay still."

"She could. She just doesn't do it when you ask her." Keith says.



"I'm getting some things to help her. When did Cynthia leave? Ya know, the lady, the healer." He asks.

"I saw her leave early this morning. She woke me up because of her footsteps. She said she had to go to her sister's place for a while." Allura admits.

"Guys, if you want us to talk, then leave." Keith says, sitting next to Pidge. Pidge, whose face is buried in a pillow, says nothing.

"Yeah. But, it's funner this way." Lance comments. Calisto leaves to grab the treatments. (Guys, he left to the kitchen. He's still in the house.) Out of the room comes Azaria, with a blanket wrapped around her.

"I want to witness this. I ship it." She says, sitting on a couch.

"Pidge." Keith smiles, poking her. She groans. "Pidge." He repeats.

"Mmhmm." She says in the pillow.

"Will you-"

"Yes." She cuts him off. Her face out of the pillow. She gasps for air, then goes back to the pillow. She leans against Keith's chest. His face turning a shade of pink.

"Awwww. Too cute." Hunk squeals.

"I've got the treatment. Give me your hand." Calisto comes back.

"A bit romantic, ey?" Lance smirks. Causing a glare from a certain girl who likes to torture people. "Okay, nevermind." His voice cracking.

Sorry it took so long. I kept rewriting and writing. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! I also hope you understood the references. Love you all! Thank you for supporting me! It honestly makes me feel happy knowing you guys don't absolutely hate my cringyness. Goodbye, half-bloods, witches, wizards, Aliens, muggles, mortals, Humans and other people who found this by accident and read it.
....A to the Z

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