Truth pt.2

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"Calisto is suspicious as hell." Pidge tells Keith, taking a sip of her orange juice. "I mean, she shows up out of nowhere and Calisto expects us to trust her? What the heck!"

"I mean, Calisto did try to turn us in to the queen." Keith shrugs, sitting on the floor across from her.

"But, Calisto doesn't look like he'd be that kind of person." She lays her glass on the coffee table.

"And the first time I met Shiro, I thought he'd be a boring adult."

"Shiro's still boring." Pidge rests her head on her hand. Keith thinks about it for a while.

"Yeah, I guess. But I thought he'd be a normal adult."

"Oh, okay."

"Plus, I thought you and I weren't gonna get along. Now you're my girlfriend." The brunette makes a few noises that sound similar to a dying cat. Keith grins.

"I'm still not used to that." She squeaks.

"It's okay. Those words sound alien to me."

"Because you are an alien?" Pidge smirks. Keith throws a nearby pillow at her.

"Hey, hey! Careful! I've got orange juice!" She laughs.

"Anyway, Calisto could be an enemy. I just don't know how to say this to Azaria. She's gonna think I'm lying."

"Yeah, but we have to tell her. Right? I mean, if she gets even more attached to Calisto, she'll side with him. So, we shouldn't waste our time. We have to tell her now." The door opens, revealing a panicked looking Azaria.

"Guys, I messed up." She states, her eye twitches.


Calisto had no idea what this was about. First, Arielle wanted to talk to Azaria. Then, Azaria said Arielle wanted to talk to him. He knocks on her door and Arielle opens it. "Oh, Calisto. What a surprise!" She laughs nervously.

"Yeah, Azaria told me you wanted to talk." Arielle's eye twitches.


"Azaria told me you wanted to talk?" He smiles. "What's going on?" Arielle freezes for a moment, then opens the door wider, and she gestures for him to come in. She goes to a couch and pats the spot next to her. He goes over and sits down.

"Well, I don't know what to say. I did not tell Azaria to do this. But, I guess this is okay." She panics.

"What's going on?" Calisto starts getting nervous. Arielle takes a deep breath.

"We have to break up."


"I don't know what to think of this." Keith looks at Pidge.

"Yeah, I don't know what to think either." Pidge shrugs.

"I feel terrible! I'm an awful human being." Azaria waves her arms around like a maniac.

"You are a terrible person." Keith nods his head. Azaria shoots him a death glare.

"Pffft, shut up!" She collects herself. "Anyway, I feel like Arielle now hates me even more than before. I mean, we already know her intentions. But, I feel like I'm in danger. Like I'm going to be her first target."

"Wow, Azaria is nervous about danger. That's a new one." Pidge gives her a goofy grin.

"Shut up, Katie." She sticks out her tongue.

"Anyway, Azaria, we've got something to tell you. And we don't know if you're gonna take it lightly." Keith glances at the small girl.

"Are you sure that this is a good idea? We don't even have the whole team yet." Keith tells her.

"Yep, I'm sure. I don't care if we don't have the team, they'll understand. Azaria," She looks at the blue eyed girl, "is a bit stubborn. Azaria, we think Calisto is a bit suspicious. I mean, he wanted to turn us in but didn't. He's dating the daughter of one of our enemies. And, he expects us to trust her."

"Wait a minute, I'll stop you right there. Calisto wanted to turn us in. But, he didn't. He's too soft for that. He can't be an enemy. Arielle, on the other hand, is obviously a horrid thing. Calisto said she's nicer than she seems, but I don't believe that. Maybe he has a soft spot. That's it. No matter what, I know he'll never go to the other side." Azaria crosses her arms. Pidge sighs.

"But, he seems so head over heels for Arielle. I feel like Arielle could actually make Calisto do anything." Pidge says. Azaria looks down for a moment, then looks back at Pidge.

"Let's just hope it doesn't get to that. We'll keep an eye on him. If he seems suspicious, we'll distance ourselves. But, we won't do anything until we have any real evidence. If Arielle does-" The door opens.

"Arielle broke up with me." Calisto enters and closes the door, looking at the ground. Azaria walks over to him and puts her hand on his shoulder.

"Buddy, it'll be okay. You just need to-" He looks up at her.

"She asked you to do it? Fucking bitch." He shoves her hand off his shoulder. "Too much of a pussy to tell me herself." He goes to the fridge and pours himself some orange juice.

"Calisto, are you okay?" Pidge asks.

"Shhh, I like this Calisto. He seems nice." Keith grins.

"Seriously? Asking my closest friend to tell me? What a fucking coward. She can go fuck herself. Why not just tell me herself! And all of this because of her mom?! Pffft, like she ever listens to her!" Calisto sits on the floor and takes a sip of his orange juice, then puts it on the table.

"Wow, I never thought you would unlock the anger emotion."

"Shut the fuck up, Azaria." He glares at her. "You still owe me apple juice." Azaria frowns.

"Seriously, you seem so angry. What's that all about?" Azaria asks.

"OH, I DON'T KNOW. MAYBE THE FACT I JUST GOT BROKEN UP WITH!" He flails his arms arms around.

"Well, sorry. But, are you mad at her?" Calisto rolls his eyes.

"Duh! Why wouldn't I be?"

"Okay, good."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" Calisto screams.

"Because Arielle wants do destroy us." His face goes from anger to pure horror.

"Shit, we're gonna die."

Yes, I know, it's short and I've been gone for a long time. I've been really busy, and even typing this, I'm trying to do this fast because time is a luxury I don't have. Goodbye, half-bloods, witches, wizards, aliens, potatoes, muggles, mortals, humans, and people that have no idea what I'm talking about!

.......A to the Z

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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