Pallax Mission

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I know, I said that I wouldn't do serious stuff...but this is my precious Jason.

Keith POV
One bad side to having a crush on a teammate is, you don't know if either of you would survive. We're already in our suits, Azaria and Kim in their suits they used. Oh, and, another downside is, I still think of Azaria as family. Soo...quiznak. I look over to Pidge, her eyes still getting a little spark when she holds her bayard. "Hey, Keith." Azaria whispers.

"What?"I whisper back. She signals me to get out of the room. We walk outside without drawing attention.

"Could I tell Kim about your crush on Pidge? I mean, she's my friend." She asks quietly.

"No, you can't. I don't want anyone to know." She looks away from me. "I know, you guys are really close. But, Azaria, I trust you to keep this. It's..." I think hard, trying to figure out what to say. " when we used to burn down abandoned houses and we both didn't tell the cops." Her eyes light up. A smile creeps on her face.

"That was your idea. Not mine. I was innocent."

"Oh, you were about as innocent as a murderer." I roll my eyes at the short haired girl.

"Pfffft. What?" Her voice high at the 'what'.

"Hey, what you talking about?" Allura comes out of the room.

"Nothing much."
"Not important." We both say in unison, making us both smile a bit.

"Okay, well, we have to get into the lions. Obviously, me and Coran will pilot the ship." She says. "Azaria, you and Kim get to choose who to go with along the ride." I look over to Azaria, she smirks. She's thinking of Pidge, isn't she?

"I'll choose-" she hesitates. Her smirk disappears. "Keith." I feel a grin on my face. This is gonna be an interesting trip.


"THIS IS A GALRA SHIP. NOT MY FAULT THEY'RE EVIL!" He yells back. We all chose a paladin to go with. I should've chosen anyone but Lance.

"Kim, you alright?" I hear Azaria's voice through the communicator.

"NO! I'M DYING HERE!!! I WISH I COULD GO BACK IN-" I stand up, but, fall back down. I groan. "Why did I choose Lance?"

"You were the one who wanted to prove Lance wasn't all that bad. Your decision, buddy." Keith replies. Pidge laughs. I stand up and hold onto- what the heck is this? Apparently, some weird metal piece.

"I'm sorry, Kim." Hunk says.

"It's fine. I'll be fine." I respond. Pidge manages to destroy the ship.

"Nice job, Pidge." Keith compliments her. Oooooh!!!

"Allura, is that Pallax?" Shiro asks.

"Yes. Yes it is." She responds. We all land on the planet safely. As we land, all of us step out to see the planet.

Azaria POV
"It's so pretty!" Kim says, jumping.

"It is. It really is." I look around and feel my eyes widen in amazement. The place looks just like earth, if humans aren't there to destroy it. There are flowers of all colors. Glass-like buildings. I look over to see Kimara, who is about to touch a red and blue flower.

"Don't touch that." A girl with pink eyes, blue skin and silver in the back of her head, wearing a silver outfit, says. "It's poison could kill you instantly if you even touch it."

"Oh." Kim says, standing up straight. "Okay."

"My name is Athexia. I am here to bring you to meet our queen." She starts walking, we all follow along. I look over to Pidge, who is trying her hardest to not make skin contact with Keith. Keith does the same thing. Pretty difficult, considering they're right next to each other and all of us are trying to avoid these death-things.

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