Sick day

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So, now that Calisto's on the team, everyone decides to make a welcoming party. Azaria and Kim don't get one because Kim was messing around with them. They all stand in the library, with the shelves all pushed to the side. It's a spacious room, so, it's perfect. Hunk arranged the food, Lance and Allura do the entertainment, Pidge the music, Shiro and Keith pushed the shelves, Azaria took care of decorations and Kim plus Coran distract Calisto. "He should be here by now..." Allura whispers from her hiding spot.

"Great job on the decor, Zaria." Pidge whispers. It's true. There are glowing streamers coming from the center of the ceiling, lanterns in the corners, and fairy lights everywhere. Some magical touches from spells Azaria learned, too.

"Thanks, takes a lot of my energy, though." She whispers back. Suddenly, the door opens. Light shines on the place. "Luziere!" Azaria whispers. The lights turn on, only dimly. The glowing streamers and rest still shine brightly. Everyone jumps out of their place.

"Surprise!" They all yell in unison. Calisto jumps backwards and falls. He lifts his head up and smiles. He sits up, grinning and looking around.

"Surprise." Kim and Coran pat his shoulder.

"Wait, what's this for?"

"Welcome to the team, Calisto. You're now a good guy and a member in this family." Shiro puts his hand on his shoulder.

"A welcoming party! Isn't it amazing? Hunk did the food and Lance will just do a bunch of weird stuff! Pidge is taking care of the music, and Azaria did the stunning decoration!" Allura twirls around on a couch.

"Well, stunning is an exaggeration. It's decent." Azaria says, looking around. "Besides, I barely had time to make a proper chandelier. Ooh! That would've looked nice. And-"

"It looks perfect!" Calisto grins. Azaria looks over at him, smiling a bit.

"Well, I did do good. Not bad, for a girl like me." Azaria looks around and then reaches in her bag. She pulls out a small glowing gold crystal. She shows it to Calisto.

"Where'd you get that?" He snapped, grabbing it quickly.

"I think I accidentally put it in my bag. While we were arguing." Azaria answers, letting go of her bag.

"How do you 'accidentally' put it in your bag?" Azaria rolls her eyes at him, putting her hands on her hips.

"I mean, I was holding it and probably put it my bag. I was gonna go after you because I figured you were looking for me. I was gonna ask you about it. But I forgot."

"Whatever. Thanks, anyway. It's a nice memory of Xiria I have." He looks at it. Her eyes widen.

"Oh, uh, I didn't know- I'm sorry." She glances down. He looks over to her, smiling.

"It's fine. I'm glad it's the only thing I have. Leaving everyone is hard."

"Look on the bright side, you have us!" She brightens.

"Yeah." He looks around. "I have a question, Did you actually make all of these decorations?"

"Spells, you know. For the lights. Neat, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Now, don't waste time on talking to me. Go have some fun. See? Lance is making a fool of himself. Let's go check that out." Azaria points over to where he's standing, and trying to balance 15 plates on his head. They run over to get a closer look. Meanwhile, Keith is just hanging with Pidge. The thing is, Keith has a huge headache. He just doesn't want to worry anyone.

"Seriously, Keith. You don't look so good."

"I'm fine. Nothing wrong-oh hey look. Lance being stupid. Let's check that out." He smiled.

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