Saving Jason

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"I could fight!" Azaria yells.

"Azaria, you're hurt. Just stay." Shiro tries to convince her.

"No! I could still fight! I'm going." Azaria grabs her stuff, dropping it because of her hand.

"Azaria, you need to stay." Kim says.

"I'm going. This is Jason we're talking about!" Azaria yells.

"Jason would be a lot happier if you stayed. He wouldn't want to see you injured." Keith attempts to convince her.

"Fine." She sits on the couch, crossing her arms.

"Besides, you'll have Calisto as company." Hunk smiles.

"Well, we've got to go. See ya later!" Lance says, the team leaves.

"DON'T DIE!" Azaria encourages. Keith grabs Calisto to the side.

"Look, Azaria is a handful. Take care of her. You guys might be around the same age, but, she's complicated. I learned to understand her. She'll be frustrating. I'm trusting you." He says, making sure Azaria can't hear.

"Oh, I know. She's a pain. She's not the best at listening-"

"She is. Just get to know her. She's a nice girl. My advice, if you want her to listen, do something fun with her. Or dangerous. Look, they're both the same thing in our vocabulary." The black haired boy leaves, shutting the door behind him.

"What did he say?" Azaria asks.

"Nothing much. We've got to fix your hand, okay?" He looks at her.

"But, what do I do?"

"Stay still." He grabs a few things and walks over to her. She groans with boredom.

Everyone stands on an elevator. As soon as they get on to the last floor, they see a woman sitting on a throne. There are guards in a specific order. "Welcome!" The lady says cheerfully. She stands up, her white-silver hair flowing at her movement. Blue skin and to silver markings on her face. Her eyes were grey. She wears a pink dress. "You wanted to meet the other earthling?" She asks, although, she probably already knows.

"Yes." Shiro responds.

"Well then, Follow me." She starts walking towards another hall. All the paladins follow. She stops at the 5th room on the left side.

"Is he okay?" Kim asks.

"Yes." The queen answers. The paladins open the door, they enter. The door shuts behind them, they hear a locking sound.

"Jason isn't in here! It's a trap!" Keith tries to open the door.

"Sorry for the disappointment, on the bright side, now the galra will have Voltron." The queen says from the outside. Her voice still cheerful, but scary.

"THAT'S NOT A GOOD THING!" Keith pounds on the door.



"Okay, Calisto. This girl just jumped out the window. Everything will be okay." Calisto mutters to himself. "WHY DO GIRLS HAVE TO BE SO COMPLICATED!" He yells. He goes out of the house from the fron door. He heads to the forest, which Azaria went to. Meanwhile, Azaria runs as fast as she could. She's always loved running for no reason. Without limits, or a specific trail. She trips over a stick, her injured hand comes in contact with another liquid. Oh no. She thinks. This liquid felt different, though. At first touch, it was a solid. As it turned liquid, the feeling is cool and refreshing. It soothes her hand. Azaria looks at her hand. The marks are gone. Her eyes widen. I've got to show this to Calisto. She thinks. She stands up, grabbing more of those flowers. Basically, she takes all of them and stuffs them in her bag. She runs back to the house. When she gets there, Calisto is gone.

"Calisto?" Her voice echoes through the hall. "Hey, buddy, you here?" She attempts. She looks in the room she stayed. She looks for him in all the rooms. She finds another one. Of course! The room Calisto stayed in the time I wouldn't stay still and he had to stay up all night! Fun times. She opens the door, finding nothing. But, he has lots of little, pretty, things in his room. She sees a little gold glowing crystal being held by a bronze small cup-like thing. She stares at it for a long time. She sees a letter from the corner of her eye. Out of curiosity, she grabs it and starts reading.


"What are we gonna do? We're trapped and can't do anything about it." Kim paces around the room.

"We have Azaria-" Lance gets cut off.

"Her communicator is broken!" Kim yells.

"I'm sure there's another way out." Allura says. The altean walks around. "Well, there are no windows." Her eyes light up. "Wait! What if there's a weak spot on the wall?" She grins.

"Of course! Keith! Punch everything!" Pidge orders.

"Any day." He hits the wall with everything he has, including his sword. Everyone starts helping by basically destroying the walls with their weapons.

Azaria's eyes widen at what she reads. She hears footsteps. She quickly puts the letter back in it's place. "Azaria? What are you doing in my room?" Calisto asks. Azaria's already pretty much pissed off. She can't hold in her anger. She grabs the letter and shows it to him.

"What's this?" She asks angrily. His eyes widen. "Why would you do something like this?"

"Azaria, I had to." Calisto looks down at his feet.

"No, you didn't. Those are my friends! You can't just trap some of my best friends!" Azaria yells.

"I can't say no to the queen. How-"

"Do you say no? By knowing these people have families, friends, and are living things. They have feelings! Feelings, Calisto! I, and I'm pretty sure everyone else, thought you were a good guy!"

"Look, Azaria, I was gaven an order! And I had to follow that order! You can't just do whatever you want whenever you want! Life here is different!" She grabs a book nearby and throws it at his face. "What the-" She takes out a blade and corners him, the sharp blade inches away from his throat.

"Now, you're going to take me to them. Without a fight, without a threat, and safe for both of us. And the universe. Most likely the universe. Okay?"

"I want to speak, but I'm scared."

"Good. So, take me to them." She puts the knife back in its place.

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