4; Doubts.

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I yawned, rubbing the side of my face as I watched LOL with lovely Miley Cyrus and the gorgeous Douglas Booth in it whilst I waited for a message from Justin. We had been talking all day and he'd mainly been asking questions about my life as usual. He kept bringing up my Instagram selfies saying how I looked so young but kept saying how I was extremely beautiful which was nice. Had me blushing as red as a tomato.

I had to send him a picture of my ID to prove that I was eighteen though because I got a lil bit irritated with all his questioning.

He chilled out for a bit but then said he was going to be busy so he'd message me later tonight. Hence why I'm awake now... waiting for the message.

Don't ask me why, I just wanted to talk to him before I fell asleep.

It kept playing on my mind that I wasn't actually talking to Justin Bieber. Like, his management had access to his twitter, right? What if I was talking to some creepy ass old man?

My eyes widened slightly and I paused my movie by tapping the space bar on my laptop. I sat up in my bed, reaching for my phone that was on charge on my window sill and going through the messages he had been sending me. They were verging on flirtatious but they were mostly innocent compliments.

What if I was talking to an old dude who wasn't actually Justin? I had given him my number and everything, what the fuck?

My heart began to beat a little harder in my chest as I furrowed my eyebrows and locked my phone, doubts springing up all over my mind as I began to over think. What if I wasn't actually speaking to him. What if he would randomly text me and be like; 'sorry you know this isn't actually Justin Bieber, right?' oh my god. I would literally cry.

I've been getting butterflies every time he texted me. Every compliment i'd blush... what if this was all bullshit? at least you got a follow on twitter... My mind whispered to me. I almost felt tears prick behind my eyes as I imagined someone other than Justin texting me. A follow would mean nothing to me right now if this was all bullshit.

My phone buzzed in my hand I glanced down, seeing his name flash up with the text he just sent me. My heart jumped in excitement but the thought of this being someone else flowed into my mind again and the excitement disappeared.
It was only a 'hey'... and remember it could be some old dude messaging you...

To: Justin Bieber (sent; 12:04am)

I sent it without hesitation and locked my phone. Did that look blunt? Oh well. It's what he gets for playing me. If I'm even being played. Ugh, why is this so difficult.

I lay down after tying my hair into a bun on the top of my head, fixed my duvet and turned off my light and flicked my night lights on that were twisted around the edge of my white iron bed at the end.

He took a few minutes to reply and by then my eyes were shutting. I heard my phone vibrating next to me on the mattress, I groaned internally, but body begging for sleep. I yawned again, my eyes watering as I lifted the phone above my head and squinted at the screen.

From: Justin Bieber (received; 12:07am)
Everything ok?

A flash of irritation hit me as I pictured someone who wasn't Justin sending me messages. Sick people. Why would you play with someone's emotions like that? it's not even funny. I rolled my eyes, scoffing at the message and angrily thumbing my response back.

To: Justin Bieber (sent; 12:08am)
Look, if you aren't actually Justin Bieber just tell me now instead of just dragging me along like this because it's not funny. It's sick. I don't understand why 'you' would just randomly message me, I'm no different than any other fan so if this is a game you're playing, please stop. It's not cool.

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