55; Snow Storm.

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"It's snowing loads..." I said slowly, looking out the window as we sat in the back off a SUV. The giant snowflakes were falling from the sky and blurring the scenery, coating everything in a thick white blanket.

"They said there would be a blizzard," the taxi man said from the front, it was a hired taxi from the resort that picked us up from the airport about two hours ago. We were stuck in a traffic jam and had been ever since we got onto the main road. "We might be here for a while," he carried on, turning up the heating in the car.

I sighed quietly, desperate to see the Chalet we were going to stay at and settled back in my seat and leant my head against a sleeping Justin's shoulder. I looked up at his face, seeing his shaggy blonde hair sticking out from the edge of his grey beanie. I smiled, moving some hair from around his eyes. He shuffled, smacking his lips together then tilting his head to the side, leaning his cheek on the top of my head.

I was still in my onesie and one of Justin's oversized grey hoodies, a black beanie and grey mittens and I was still feeling the chill. I was the only one still awake by the time we reached the resort nearly an hour and a half later, the snow was piling up fast and we barely made it to the check in. "I'm gonna have to stop here guys," the driver said, stopping alongside the entrance to the resort. "I've called the reception, they're sending a snow buggy down to take you and your bags to the chalet,"

"Thank you," I smiled as everyone woke up slowly, stretching and yawning since the car stopped moving.

"Are we there yet?" Justin asked quietly, his arm that was around my shoulders pulled me closer. I explained what was going on as I fixed his hair again, tucking some of it away underneath his beanie. "So we have to walk?" he mumbled, pouting his lips slightly since I was quite close to his face. I grinned then kissed him gently, his lips puckering against mine for a moment before I pulled away. Kyle got out first, as soon as he opened the sliding door the freezing wind pushed its way into the warm car. My whole body tensed up and I folded Justin's hoodie around my body before I got out after Emily with Justin following just after me. It was snowing heavily, the snowflakes pricking my warm cheeks sending them, along with my nose, bright pink.

"Fuck its freezing," I hissed, pulling up the hood of Justin's hoodie and hiding underneath it as our bags were unloaded and put to sit next to us on the side of the road up to the reception that was very quickly being covered up with a thick layer of snow. Justin moved in front of me and brought me into his chest, my arms disappearing underneath his coat as I hugged his middle. He had put a coat on and I had packed mine away because I didn't want to carry it. The driver spoke to Emily and Kyle, explaining the buggy would be here in about ten minutes but he had to leave to get home. "So he's just leaving us here in this blizzard?" I scoffed, bending down to pick up Poppy who was shivering by my feet since the snow was up to her chin.

"Looks like it," Justin mumbled, obviously pissed off and sleepy as I put Poppy between our bodies to keep her warm. My teeth were chattering as my body shook a little with the cold as I watched the Taxi drive away slowly. "I hope the chalet is warm or I'll consider flying back home," Justin added as he leant his chin on the top of my head as I hid my face in his chest. I hummed in agreement and hugged him closer making Poppy get over excited and wiggle between us, attempting to lick my face. I grinned down at her, making quiet cooing noises as we waited for our snow buggy.

About ten minutes did pass and the snow was getting heavier, all we could see were snowflakes... just whiteness everywhere. There was a beeping of a horn and we all looked up and saw several snow buggies coming towards us over the snow. They didn't have wheels, just skis... "Is this all of you?" someone called to us as we all huddled together like penguins. I think I had a layer of snow on my head already.

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