16; Temporary Goodbye's.

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My eyes fluttered open, the early morning sun shining in through the window opposite the bed. I was a little disorientated at first but then remembered that I had spent the night in Justin's room and not my own. I felt a weight over my waist and lifted the duvet, peeking underneath and seeing a tattooed arm over the t-shirt I was wearing. A warm fuzzy feeling took over my body, sending butterflies to my stomach. It then suddenly hit me that it was morning... and in the morning I normally looked like complete shit.

I panicked, quietly of course and saw the bathroom door open – the en suite in Justin's room. I need to wash my face and sort my hair out. I left it down last night and I can feel the knots already. I bit my lip, gently beginning to slide out of Justin's grip to escape to the bathroom but I felt his arm clamp down on my waist. "Where are you going?" Justin's voice mumbled, it was sleepy and husky – sending shivers down my spine.

"To the toilet," I replied, not turning my head to look at him since I had no idea what my face looked like. His grip loosened and he grunted quietly, the bed sheets shuffling behind me as he turned over. I sighed quietly and got up, almost running to the bathroom. I shut the door, hearing it click shut then went over to the mirror above the sink. I washed my face with cold water, removing the sleep from the corner of my eyes then pinching my cheeks to get a little blood flowing and to make them a little pink. I grimaced at the state of my hair and dragged my hands through it, wincing as the knots caught on my fingers and yanked at my scalp.

After a few moments I gave up... I flushed the toilet to make me excuse realistic and grabbed the mouth wash by the sink which I thanked Jesus silently for since Justin had forgotten to pack it. I shook the acid like liquid around in my mouth and checked my face again. I walked out the bathroom to see Justin on his back, his arm covering his eyes as his chest rose and fell slowly. I could see that his hair was all messy, sticking up in all angles. I smiled, climbing onto the bed and getting back under the duvet. "What time is it?" Justin grumbled,

I looked around me for a clock and saw one over the chest of draws on the other side of the room. "Just gone nine thirty," I said quietly. Justin sighed heavily, removing his arm from his eyes. "Do you have to go soon?" I asked, my heart sinking. I wanted him to stay... Chill Lily, you'll see him in forty eight hours my conscious muttered to me. I brushed it off and paid attention to Justin.

"Yeah... I have to be back in LA for two," Justin mumbled, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "When are you leaving?" he asked me, blinking his eye quickly then yawning.

"Lunch time... so around twelve," I smiled, admiring his toned back as he went to get out of bed. He stood by the side of the bed and stretched, his muscles flexing. I licked my lips, scanning over his tanned skin and approving silently. "When are you flying to the Bahamas?" I asked, sitting crossed legged underneath the duvet.

"Tomorrow morning, I'm meeting my family there." Justin said turning around and looking at me. Awh, he looked so sleepy.

"Okay," I smiled, feeling a little giddy as we watched each other. "You should probably get ready now," I said, feeling my cheeks heat up. I got out the bed and moved my hair behind my shoulder. "Do you want your shirt back?" I asked, holding the bottom – ready to pull it off.

"No, you can have it." Justin said softly, walking around the bed towards me. I grinned as he came closer. He cupped my cheeks, tilting my head up to look at him. He smiled softly, his eyes gazing into mine as he caressed my cheeks with his thumbs before he chuckled to himself, shaking his head a little before walking around me to the bathroom. I turned my head to watch him, wondering what had just happened as the door shut. What was funny?

I left his room still confused, hearing my family downstairs, especially my mum being loud as usual when no one was responding to her questioning about them on what they wanted to eat. I showered, washing my hair and leaving it wet whilst I tied it in a bun on the top of my head and changed into my grey drop crotch pants and a white crop top t-shirt. I began to pack, the sound of Started From The Bottom by Drake playing from my phone as I folded my clothes neatly and began to place things into my suitcase. I smiled, placing the jumper Justin bought me on top of some ripped jeans. I touched it with the tip of my fingers, feeling the soft white material underneath. Acne studios... I've wanted something from there for ages and now I have something... thanks to Justin. I heard a knock on my door and looked up as it opened, Justin's head peeked from around the side and smiled. "Hey," I greeted, getting up from my kneeling position on the floor.

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