30; Paris ~ Part 2.

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"I need to call my parents," I mumbled, walking into the living room with Justin's iPad. "Can you do face time on here?" I asked, stepping over the back of the couch with some effort then falling onto the cushions.

"Yeah, it's just like a huge iPhone but you can't text," Justin said, he was still watching sports and chewing on a sandwich I had made him about ten minutes ago.

"Oh but it has iMessage, okay," I mumbled, lying on my back and opening up the app. I typed in my mum's number - that I knew off by heart like the good child I was - and began typing my message on the on-screen keyboard. I explained in my sweet way of texting that I was in Paris spending the weekend with Justin and then we'd be back before they knew it, I also added that it had been a surprise so that's why I didn't ask them. At the end I added the address of where we were staying and Justin's phone number just in case. I sent it and then locked his iPad, turning my head to watch the soccer on the TV screen. I think I watched for about thirty seconds then got bored and turned back to the iPad.

"Do you want to change the channel?" Justin asked as I flicked through the movies he had on here.

"Oh, can i?" I grinned, leaning up to reach for the remote but he held it away from me and laughed. "Hey," I whined as he smirked,

"Did you really think I was going to let you change the channel?" He smirked some more, side glancing me quickly before looking back at the TV.

"You've been watching sports all day!" I argued, I wanted to see what kind of shows they had on here. They always have sports on, it's overrated and boring.

"You have the iPad right there, Lily," Justin argued back, pointing to the library of movies he had on there.

"That's not the point." I muttered, sitting up and crossing my legs. I flicked my ponytail over my shoulder and into Justin's face and then continued flicking through his movies. "Seen it, seen it, seen it, seen it," I mumbled to myself. "See- oh wait no... no actually I've seen that,"

"Ssssh," Justin hissed at me. "They're on penalty shoot outs," he added, "Watch," he mumbled, nudging my shoulder and pointing to the screen as I looked up. "Each team gets five attempts to score a goal, okay? And the team that gets the most at the end out of their five, wins." Justin explained,


"Because it's been a tie even after extra time to see if anyone would score," Justin clarified, putting his arm along the back of where I was sitting.

"That's pointless, why not just call it a tie?"

"Soccer doesn't work like that," Justin chuckled, his eyes intently glued on the screen as someone kicked and missed the goal. "Idiots,"

"Soccer is overrated," I mumbled, looking back down at Justin's iPad to see which movies were on here that I hadn't already watched on Netflix.

"Your ass is overrated," Justin muttered back, I gasped quickly and stared at the side of his face. He didn't smirk so I knew I had actually annoyed him. I wanted to laugh but held it in.

"Your face is overrated," I snapped quietly and pretended I was actually mad and looked away. We sat in silence for a few moments as I held in the urge to laugh. Oh god, I had pissed him off. I glanced at him, expecting to meet the side of his face but he was staring at me. "Oh jesus," I mumbled quietly and giggled.

"Soccer is internationally loved by many just like my face, so please tell me where your ass has been loved apart from in this room and upstairs." Justin snapped. My lips were pressed together in a wide smirk as I tried not to smile but it was happening anyway, I just got told. I let out a quiet laugh but held eye contact. "Exactly." Justin muttered looking away and leaning back on the couch.

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