42; Decisions.

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"Come on," Justin whined quietly, his flirty tone on as he looked up at me through his lashes. I was still sitting on his lap in the arm chair, trying to ignore the feelings of lust as Justin pressed kisses against my lap. My head was spinning with drunken haziness and I licked my lips, my eyes fluttering closed as Justin kissed over my sweet spot, humming deeply as I sucked in a breath, my fingers that were caressing the back of his head gently pulled at the roots of his soft hair. "I know you want to," he purred, brushing his lips against my skin and sending a shiver down my back. He had been trying to convince me to love him a little bit in his words, for the past half an hour. The party was still in full swing and I wasn't sure if maybe fucking Justin here would be a good idea... what if someone walked in? I didn't know many of these people so they wouldn't care if they posted a picture of Justin Bieber getting freaky with some girl on the internet.

"Someone will walk in," I said softly, trying to stop my eyes fluttering closed as Justin hands caressed my hips, moving over to my ass and then back up to my waist. I loved the way Justin touched me, so gently but sensually... he could be rough sometimes but even then there was something about it that was tender and loving.

"Please," Justin mumbled, kissing the other side of my neck, his soft lips trailing burning kisses down to my collar bone. I sighed, hearing the others talking loudly and laughing behind us, the music blasting, clinking of glass bottles as the guys chugged down beers and see who finished theirs first. Justin and I were in our own little bubble, kissing and talking quietly, we had been like that for forty five minutes. "I want you," Justin mumbled, leaning back to look me in the eye again. His golden eyes stared into mine and I could feel myself giving in, my self-control slipping away from me like water through my fingers. But did I care? Nope! "Please baby," Justin purred again, pulling me closer. I was sitting directly over his crotch now, the bugle beneath his jeans was obvious but it was hidden underneath me.

I nodded, gently and discretely moved my hips, rubbing myself over Justin's crotch. He groaned quietly, the grip he had on my hips tightened and a smirk twitched at the side of my lips. Suddenly Justin stood up, with me still in his arms, walking towards a door and ignoring the whoops and calls of the guys saying Get some Bieber! I giggled excitedly as Justin pushed open the door with his foot, "Oh, shit... sorry," He said quickly and I turned my head to see Kylie and Eric already... busy and occupying the only bedroom in the summer house.

Justin stepped back as I wrapped my legs around his body, his arm underneath my ass, holding me up. "I can't be fucked to walk all the way back to the house," Justin said, his lips close to mine as I caressed his face. I didn't really want to go all the way back to the house either, there was still loads of people here and I didn't want them getting too interested in who Justin Bieber was escaping upstairs with. Justin began walking again and pushed open another door, stepping into a small bathroom that just had a toilet and a sink. He grunted, stepping in and shut the door, locking it swiftly behind him with one hand.

"You want to fuck here?" I questioned as Justin put me to stand on my feet, I was spun round and pinned up against the wall with Justin's body. He didn't bother to answer my question with words and pressed his lips against mine, his hands going straight to my ass and giving it a sexual squeeze, sending tingles of pleasure straight between my legs. I gasped into the kiss as Justin pushed my tulip skirt up, the eagerness that was dripping off him was contagious and I was catching onto it quickly, my heart thumping hard and fast inside my chest as Justin's hand slipped between my legs.

He rubbed my covered clit gently at first, quiet moans escaping my lips as the pleasure tingled throughout me. He got impatient with his own actions after a few moments and slid my underwear to the side and coated his fingers in my arousal before plunging them into my entrance. I gasped loudly, my body jerking in surprise as Justin pinned me against the wall further, my hands were clutching his shoulders tightly as he finger fucked me, his eyes watching me intently as I moaned and squirmed between him and the wall of the bathroom.

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