35; Questioning.

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A few days later, after I had seen the sighs of Rome with the family and Justin it was the morning of our flight back to Los Angeles. I was lying on my side, scrolling through tumblr on my phone as I waited for Justin to wake up. I had done this thing since I worked out that he had used the typical 'how to resolve a fight' line on me and refused to have sex with him as punishment. He didn't know that I knew so every time he would give me that flirty look and touch my hip I would yawn and say that I was tired or I had to be somewhere with my parents. I could tell he was getting pissed off but so far he hadn't said anything.

I heard the duvet shuffle and locked my phone, tucking it under the pillow and closing my eyes, pretending to be asleep. I heard him groan, turn over to face me then get up shuffling towards the bathroom. I had already brushed my teeth and had re-done my waterproof mascara after I had washed my face just to make things worse when he tried the morning sex thing on me. After a few minutes when I heard the toilet flush and him brushing his teeth he came out, his bare feet padding against the tiles. He got onto the bed, moving over to me and lying down behind me, moving my hair out the way and gently placing a kiss on my neck. I took in a deep breath, fighting the smirk that was about to appear and let out a light hum. "Morning baby," Justin purred, in his normal husky morning voice that did unholy things to my body.

"Morning," I smiled, fluttering my eyes open. He was hovering over me, his upper body only as the lower half of him lay beside me still. "What time is the flight?"

"At like twelve or one, not sure." He said, looking at my lips then my eyes.

"What time is it now?" I asked in the same light tone, pretending to not catch on to his increasingly suggestive one.

"Nine," he mumbled, biting his bottom lip and smiling. "So, we have time... to...you know..." he purred, leaning down to press a gentle kiss against my neck. I hummed and pushed him away slightly, going to get up but his hand pressed me down. Oh, he thought I was playing. His lips found mine and I melted, kissing him back but making sure it didn't get to far into his game. I did love the way his lips felt on mine, and that was something I couldn't resist... his kisses were addictive but the sex was something I could postpone and avoid since I was a little mad at him. And like my sister said, don't satisfy him until he says sorry. I'm going to wait until he works out why... if he ever does, then if not I'll tell him. I accidently moaned when Justin's tongue slid into my mouth and he groaned, moving over me completely and trapping me underneath him, his tongue sliding against mine hungrily as his lower body pressed into mine.

I was so close to giving in but waited until I felt him push his hips into mine, "Hm," I hummed, pushing against his chest to make him lean up. "I have to get ready," I said softly,

"What?" he breathed, "You have four hours, you can do that later," he protested, leaning down but my finger found his lip and pressed against it.

"Off," I smirked and he rolled off me, I could feel him just about to snap... I could literally feel it as I got up, flicking my hair out behind me and combing my fingers through it. I moved towards the bedroom door, ready to make coffee for Justin and I when I heard him growl.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" he spat quietly, I stopped, turning around with my eyebrows raised. "Don't give me that look, I know exactly what you're doing." He grumbled, getting up. "Whatever I did, I am sorry, okay? I am fucking sorry, can we fuck now?" he ranted angrily, walking over to me so I had to look up at him.

"Nope!" I giggled, opening the door but it was pushed shut.

"Lily, I swear to god..." he growled, holding the door shut. I was smirking the whole time. "My balls are fucking blue." He continued to growl, trying to keep his cool but I could see the steam coming from his ears.

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