Eliana Kennedy just moved to California in a big beautiful home, but little does she know the neighborhood has a mystery to be unraveled...a little girl.
December 3rd, Saturday "We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christ-,",my little brother sings.
"Shut up, Jake!" I yell at my small five-year-old brother. I will never have kids.
"Mama, Eliana is being mean to me, she said shut up! Mama!" Mama slouched back in her seat, probably as annoyed as me. Jacob finally got tired of explaining to Mama why I was a bad person, and fell asleep.
I looked out the window for a little bit. I saw trees. Lots and lots of deep green, leafy trees. We were going about 50 miles per hour and the world seemed to whoosh by. Gosh, we've been in this car for like, forever! How far away is California!
"Dad! How much longer until we reach the house," I gripe, reaching another back of Lays barbecue potato chips. Gosh, you can never go wrong with Lays.
"Not too long, El. Maybe about another hour?" I start whining again and reach for my back pocket. I grab my headphones and iPhone and turn on some music. I turned to the side to look out the other window. More trees, of course. I looked around the car. I saw my sleeping mom and brother. I saw boxes stashed sneakily under the cushions and in bags. But most of all, I saw the start of my new 15 year old life...
Before I knew it, I drifted away in a silent slumber. I woke up to my Dad humming Christmas tunes. Seriously, what is with my family and Christmas songs?! Like, chill with the music for a little bit!
"Dad, are we almost there?" I groan as I fumble with numb arms (a result of my sleeping position with boxes), trying to find my headphones.
"Well, Eliana, let's see." We were off of the highway and at a red light, so he took this as an opportunity to check his phone for the map, "We have about ten to fifteen minutes of driving left! Aren't you excited to live here. It's so wonderful outside, don't you think?" I glanced around at the new surroundings. There were many building, especially tall ones and people bustling everywhere from shop to shop, stopping to wave and cheer frequently. Happy people.
"Well it's beautiful and happy and all, but I want to go sleep on a bed sometime so can we hurry up now?"
"Ok, ok, I'm going as fast as I can but the traffic is terrible! You need to be more patient, ok!?"
"Ugh, fine I'll be more patient." I shift to the side and find a small bag of M&M's, crumpled up. Mmm, m&m's... I rip it open and pull out three blue m&m's. Wow, my favorite, what are the odds? I start to hungrily finish the rest of the bag as my brother starts waking up, yawning and stretching. He glances at me, looks away, then immediately looks back at me. Beautiful double-take.
"Hey, those are my m&m's! Why would you eat them!" He leaned closer to me to snatch the bag. However, I finished all of them so it was pointless.
"How was I 'sposed to know they were yours!" I defended myself proudly.
"Because they say my name, Elaina! Look," Jake points to the side of the bag, where his name is written in scrawny black Sharpie Ink. Darn it.
"Sorry. I guess," I apologize to him, obviously not caring. I faced away from him and turn to look outside at the people. The car became sweltering hot from now, all four humans breathing the same air, so I cracked open the window a bit. I could hear the chatter of people having a good ole time, while I was here burning to death. I saw a couple drinking coffee, outside a cafe-chattering-and they were smiling the widest smile I'd ever seen.
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I saw a grandpa with his grandson skipping through the park, laughing. I saw two small girls with their parents pretended to be singers, caroling through the streets. My goal here is to get that happy!
I start thinking of the fun things I wanna do if I make good friends here. Bowling, shopping, baking... I did all of those things with my friends back in Ohio. Boy was it fun! I lay back in my seat and close my eyes. It took my a few minutes to realize the car had stopped after a bit.
"Well, we're here El, finally, that's the house, and boy, isn't it great!?" My dad gleefully states.
Hey! It's me! Thanks for reading my story! Every read is appreciated and I hope you enjoyed! I can't wait to see what this story will become...