Eliana Kennedy just moved to California in a big beautiful home, but little does she know the neighborhood has a mystery to be unraveled...a little girl.
I don't know what to wear to the neighbor's home! I looked through my closet, endlessly, for half an hour. I wanted to make the best first impression I could.
I glanced over at the digital clock by my bed. It glared at me; 7:38. I was supposed to be downstairs at 7:45. I grumbled, annoyed that I was taking this long.
At the same time, thou, I felt nervous. What if I annoyed them, or gave them a bad impression of me. What if they just plain didn't like me!
Finally, I just decided to wear a plain white tee shirt and skinny jeans. The shirt had this French logo, I think, printed in black. It was casual, but not too boring.
"El! Come on! It's time to go!" Mama yelled from downstairs, seeming a bit angry. I checked the clock again.
7:49 Woah, how does time even fly by that quick? I grabbed my converse shoes and slipped my phone into my pocket.
Then I picked up my winter coat off my bed. It was a pretty cool winter, not too cold, so I knew I wouldn't really need it yet. But Mama always gripes how it's better to be safe than sorry, so that's why I always wear it.
I race downstairs, were my Mom, Dad, and Jake were waiting for me impatiently. Mama, especially had a stern look on her face. Yeesh, what pissed her off? Wow, the anger is spreading.
Mama, finally opened the door, to let us out into the now-mild cold. Dad took the keys and locked the door behind us. We were going to eat dinner at the neighbors house.
Mama brought a New York Cheesecake she made for desert, and some chocolate chip brownies. Yum!
As I turned to face towards the neighbors door pathway, I saw a small figure by the tree next to our home. Most of the lights were off, but I could just make out who they were.
Evelyn! Jeez, does she live outside? Why does she seem to always be here? I act like I don't see her, and go follow my family to the home next door.
Jake rang the doorbell, and was excited when he found out he could now reach them without help. Ding dong!
A couple that seemed around Mama and Dad's age, 30's to mid 40's opened the door. They happily greeted us.
"Hello, and you guys must be the neighbors!" The woman spoke cheerfully, "My name is Katie, but you can call me Kate for short. Oh! And this is my husband, Mark." She flew her hands. Kate seemed kind of nervous, and unprepared, but really was welcoming. She showed us where to put our shoes, since she doesn't let people wear them inside. Just like our home!
We all went to sit down at the living room couch when I realized something. Where's their daughter?
Then as if the home read my mind, a teenage girl tumbled down the stairs, with a mildly shocked look on her face.
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