Its Hard, Ya Know?

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"Dare!" Bliss looks at me, eager to find out what I would say.

"Okay! I dare you to sneak outside to the woods with me!" I stared at her, waiting to see if she would agree.

"...okay...yea lets do it..." She seemed slightly nervous. It is almost 9 after all, we've been talking a lot!

I pointed to her window. Obviously our parents would not let us leave at this time in winter.

Her room's window was in the back of the house, facing the woods, like my room. Bliss nodded and hesitantly trudged over and unlocked the latch of the window sill.

She grabbed her magenta coat out of her closet, and I yanked mine off of her blue bed.

Bliss hopped out first, wincing when she reached the dirt floor.

Then I jumped out of the window. I landed on my butt at first, so I looked like an idiot. But I got back up, THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS!

I dusted some dirt particles off of my coat and peered around with Bliss. I saw Evelyn pop up right next to us. Jesus! Where did she come from!?

"Why are you here!" Evelyn frowned at me, squinting.

" 'Cause I have a life to live, unlike you, following me everywhere. I muttered bitterly.

Evelyn looked away from me, a bit hurt.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mea-," I tried to apologize but Bliss cut me off.

"Hey, Eliana, you know her?" She spoke, seeming a bit relieved.

"Yeah, she does." Evelyn crossly spoke for me. What's her problem?

  Evelyn was about to start walking away towards the forest, when she stopped and turned back around to us. She looked at me, then Bliss then back at me.

  Then she did something that surprised me. She motioned us to come closer and follow her.

  I was confused, and it seemed Bliss was, too. However, slightly intrigued we decide to go.

  I looked up at the dark blue, night sky. The stars twinkled, lighting up the quiet, resting town. I trudged as the icy wind tickled my cheeks. I buried my face closer into the furry coat I had on.

  After about half-an-hour, Bliss whispered to me, warming my frosty earlobe, "Uh, Eliana, where are we going exactly?"

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  After about half-an-hour, Bliss whispered to me, warming my frosty earlobe, "Uh, Eliana, where are we going exactly?"

  That was a very good question. I don't know.

  We finally came to a stop by the same large tree that Jake and I saw Evelyn lying down by, yesterday.

  "Ya know," Evelyn started speaking, her back to us, "You are the first person who I've told my name to in a while, Eliana." She spoke, a slight quiver in her voice. She sat down. Bliss and I walked over and sat by her, Evelyn in the middle, "And I know...I may seem rude, but it's just's hard ya know?"

  Evelyn tore her face away from the sky, and faced me. Her eyes had a shiny, thin layer of water filling up her eyelids, "It's hard to not be able to have a chance to-"

  Before I knew it, Evelyn, got up and walked away.

  She just...left.

  What was Evelyn talking about?

  Will you see her again?

  What will happen tomorrow, it's your first day at Falls Hill High?

By HerselfWhere stories live. Discover now