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I looked at Evelyn, then back at Jake. He was looking at the floor, moving around grains of dirt between his fingers. He seemed a bit hurt.

"Evelyn, you realize that interrupting and being rude, can hurt people's feelings, right?" I glared at her. Evelyn stood up, and turned around towards the woods, tussling a bit of dirt around her.

"Who needs feelings? They just get in the way of reality." And with that she walked away, to the forest.

I sat on the grassy floor, thinking intently about what she said. Who needs feelings? Everybody needs them. Right? I went to go sit in Evelyn's previous spot, making Jake realize something.

"Hey, Eliana, do you wanna play with me?" He looked at me with puppy eyes and pulled out lips. How can I say no?

"Okay, fine, but just for ten minutes, it's getting colder." I shivered.

"Yes!" Jake pulled down his fists in success.

"Okay, what the scenario?" I asked, kind of hoping we would do the tow truck game.

"The su nar what now?" Jake questioned, eager to play some more.


I saw Mama starting to head out to get us through the window. She creaked open the front door, wincing at a gust of wind whooshing inside the toasty home.

"Come on Jake and Eliana, it's time for breakfast. And Jake's friend-" She paused, just now realizing Evelyn wasn't here, "Jake, where did your friend go?" Mama looked at Jake.

"She had to leave." I answered for him.

"Oh, okay. I was gonna invite her and her family in for crepes, maybe, but I guess not." Mama shrugged and went back inside with us, leaving the frosty winds behind us. We made our way to the dining room, where four plates of crepes were sitting on plates.

There were Mama's berry and powdered sugar crepes.

  Then there were Dad's chocolate strawberry crepes

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Then there were Dad's chocolate strawberry crepes.

  And of course we couldn't forget Jake's basic, filled with nothingness crepes

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And of course we couldn't forget Jake's basic, filled with nothingness crepes.

  And of course we couldn't forget Jake's basic, filled with nothingness crepes

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And finally there were my, banana Nutella crepes. My favorite!

  Jake and I rushed back to the living room and hurriedly threw our coats on the couch behind us and rushed towards the crepes again

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Jake and I rushed back to the living room and hurriedly threw our coats on the couch behind us and rushed towards the crepes again.

We took our seats, and grabbed and knife and fork. Mama always liked to chat during meals, so we wouldn't get bored.

"So, Jake, what's your friend's name?" Mama asked, wanted to know more about Evelyn. I wasn't sure if he should tell her or not.

"I'm not really sure, Mama." Jake lied through his teeth, getting another forkful of his crepes.

"Eliana, do you know?" Mama seemed annoyed that none of us knew her name supposedly.

"Actually, Mama, I think she told us, but I forgot." I shrugged slightly and filled a glass with freshly-squeezed orange juice.

"Oh, I see, okay then. I was thinking about visiting the neighbors house. It's a lovely couple with a daughter about you age, Eliana." Mama looked at each of us, waiting for a response.

"Wait, really! My age?" I got a bit too excited and spilled a little bit of orange juice on my clothes. Maybe I am gonna make a friend after all! I hope she goes to Falls High.

  "Yep." Mama seemed proud of herself, for making me happy.

  "When are we going?" I asked, hoping it would be soon.

  "Tonight!" Mama happily exclaimed.

  "Tonight?" Dad finally spoke, shocked.

  "Tonight?" Jake and I said in unison.

  "Yes, tonight, you guys don't have to repeat it twenty times, you know?" Mama replied, a bit aggravated.

  In reality I was kind of happy, I didn't want to sit alone tomorrow, and having a friend would prevent that.

By HerselfWhere stories live. Discover now