Chapter 3: First Encounter {Plagg}

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I'm assuming I have to tell my side, right? Fine, here goes nothing, I guess. Anyway, my name is Plagg Bourgeois. I know, the last name sucks, but I didn't get a say in this.

I'm getting off-topic. Anyway, the story begins after my usual lecture of kingdom management. My butler, Lizzie bowed before leaving just as my father summoned me.

I walked to his room and I took the time to look around. His room was of course, full of pictures of the past generation, his wife and his younger daughter. I, however wasn't seen nowhere when it came to pictures.

My father was trying to make a deal with Paris's finest fashion designer, Gabriel Agreste as he was trying to get him to make clothes for the upcoming masquerade ball.

I'll go more into that later, though. My thoughts disappeared  when I heard my father slam the telephone down which resulted in me slightly jumping from fear.

"Son, as you know you're eighteen which means that you're to get closer to the day that your engagement. Now, I want you to go to commoners village and tell everyone about the masquerade ball," he stated, cutting straight to the point.

I nodded and bowed before leaving his room. Chloè, my younger sister was watching my movements before rushing to my side. "Can I come with you to the village? Please!" she begged as her eyes twinkled with excitement.

"You know dad doesn't like seeing you leave and besides, you're only--" I started reasonably but was cut off by Chloè. "Fifteen! I know!" Chloè said bitterly as she crossed her arms in frustration.

Silence fell as I pondered on what to say. In the end, I heavily sighed. "Fine, you can come, but only if you promise to act like a princess which means--" I started before getting cut off once again by... You guess it, Chloè.

"No bragging about my title or calling other people peasants. I got it. Now, can we please go?" Chloè asked as I chuckled before our maid, Nina opened the door before bowing.

We thanked her just as she stopped and closed the door before briefly locking it.

Chloè and I walked to the village which was about two blocks away from our palace. Our father had us memorized the path when we were little so that when we had to go to meetings or deal with press conferences, we would know the path by heart.

We continued walking in silence as neither of us decided not to make any conversation.

Once we saw a wooden sign named 'Miraculous Village' in bright bold letters, we knew that we were at the right place.

We both walked inside to see people walking to their destination, talking to their friends and being surrounded by family. It felt like a cheerful place as I explained to Chloè, what and what not to do.

She nodded before running off which lead me to facepalming myself before playfully shaking my head. We had a few minutes before the conference so I decided to walk around.

I looked around before noticing a woman in distress. She was carrying loaves with one hand, a bucket with another and books on her head.

She looked like she was challenging herself to prove that she was better than everyone else and with one trip, everything came tumbling down until I came to help.

I caught everything while she looked at me in amazement. We looked in each other eyes and that's when I got a better glimpse of her.

She had red-hair, her eyes were a light shade of blue and her smile fulled me with warmth. She looked away as I started to hand her back her things.

"So, Miss why are you carrying all this stuff?" I asked as she softly
smiled at me. "I'm just running some errands," she said honestly before continuing. "Thanks again for helping me," she added before she started to walk away.

I was starstruck and wanted to ask if she wanted me to help her carry her things to her house, but the conference was starting and so, I smiled to myself before running back to the main entrance.

The bell rung as every villager arrived to the stage where I was to talk about the upcoming ball that was to be held.

"Attention, everyone. A masquerade ball is to be held in two weeks from now. Letters will be sent next week to every eligible maiden and male to those who are single or would like to spend a night at the palace. Thank you," I ended the speech as everyone immediately started talking about the ball.

I managed to caught a glimpse of my little red-hair maiden before she disappeared. I really hoped that she heard the speech because I wanted her to go to the ball and dance with me.

It's funny though because while Chloè and I were walking back to the palace, I realized that I never asked her about her name. That's one way to suck at royalty.

Author Note,
Chapter 3 is now complete! This is Plagg side to the story as I wanted it to be different from Tikki side. I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter.

Did anyone have any favorite part? Tell me in the comments section below! As always, I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

Stay miraculous and may your heart soar. Miraculous Love!

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