Megans POV:
After, a 2 hour flight to Princeton, I exit the plane and walk around the airport, in attempt to find Taylor.
After no such luck, I decide to call him.
"Hello?" he answers
"Hey Tay! im here in the airport, but I cant find you!" I laugh looking around
"Im at McDonalds, come meet me here and then we can leave" he says
"Kay hang on" I say hanging up and walking to McDonalds
I find Taylor sitting at a table, drinking what looks like a cup of coffee.
"Hey stranger!" I smile tapping his shoulder and smiling
"oh hey!" he smiles getting up and hugging me
"you ready?" I ask
"yeah, come on" he smiles, handing me his coffee and grabbing my free hand in his and entertwining our fingers.
"how was the flight?" he asks as we exit the airport
"pretty good I guess" I say
"that's good" he says as we enter the parking garage
"what car did you drive?" I ask
"take a wild guess" he smirks
"The corvette?" I laugh
he nods as we approach his white corvette.
we climb in and drive to his house.
after about fifteen minutes of driving, we reach a pretty nice house.
he parks the car in the driveway and we both get out.
"My mom's asleep so we gotta be quiet" he says, pulling me into the house
"ok" I whisper
he pulls me down the hall and into his room.
"wow" I laugh, looking around his room.
its messier than mine!!
"messy right?" he jokes laying on the bed
"eh" I laugh laying next to him.
"tomorrow ill try and clean it up" he sighs pushing my hair out of my face.
I smile and kiss his hand
"so what plans do you have?" I ask
"nothing really, just hanging out with you and stuff" he smiles
"oh ok" I say
"oh well do you wanna get some sleep?" he asks
"yea, where am I sleeping?" I ask
"in my bed with me" he smirks
"ok, let me go change" I smile getting up and walking to the bathroom.
I pull off my clothes and pull on a tank top and spandex.
I pull my hair into a messy bun and walk back to Taylors room.
as I enter the room, I see that Taylor is shirtless, and laying in his bed.
I smile and walk over, climbing in with him.
"are we seriously going to bed right now?" I ask
"nope" he smirks pulling me onto his lap
"oh" I blush running my hands through his hair..
"so I know we aren't legally allowed to, but would you ever do it with me?" he asks, referring to sex.