CH 7

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Megans POV:

I wake up the next morning and Taylor practically laying on me.

"Tay." I whisper poking his cheek

He doesn't budge

"Taylor" I murmur in his ear.

This time, his eyes flutter open.

"Sup?" I giggle lightly

"Morning" he yawns

Oh my God his morning voice......

"Sleep well?" I ask shoving him off me

"Yeah sorry you know i like to cuddle" he says getting up from the bed.

"I wasn't complaining" I laugh

"Well then I'll do this!" He yells jumping on me

"Christ Taylor!" I laugh shoving him off again

"You asked for it" he defends going into my bathroom.

"I didnt mean crush me!" I laugh sitting up

"Admitt it you liked it" he smirks walking back to the bed

"Of course I love getting tackled by my boyfriend at 8am!" I say sarcastically

"I knew you did" he chuckles lightly

"So what are you doing today?" I ask as he sits down

"Nothing really" he says turning on the t.v

"Ok" I say getting up and going to the bathroom.

"Do you wanna do something?" He asks from behind the bathroom door.

"I dont care honestly. Whatever you feel like doing" I say brushing my teeth.

"Wanna see what the guys are doing?" He asks opening the door

"Sure. Just let me get dressed" I say shoving him out of the room.

"Aye not cool Grier" he laughs

" I have to change!" I laugh locking the door.

"Well I'll see you later" he says

"Bye Taylor" I laugh as i hear him walk away.

After he's gone, I hop in the shower, and get done.

Today I'm wearing a purple One.Direction tshirt, my my denim short shorts, my purple and black Vans, and a purple bandana.

By 9:45 I'm done so I head over to Jacobs room.

"Yo Whitesides!" I yell walking in his room.

"Hey Grier" he laughs

"Whatcha up to?" I say sitting on the couch.

"Just about to go get some breakfast with Mahogany" he says standing up from his bed

"OMG JOX!!" I say in an annoying fangirl voice

"Haha very funny" he says shoving me out of his room.

"Byeeeee Jacob" I laugh running to Taylors room

"Hey Taylor!!" I yell running into his room and jumping on his back

"Woah, hi" he laughs holding me on his back

"I'm bored" I whine as he walks out into the hallway

"Your always bored" he laughs walking to the elevator

"Where are we going?" I ask as we walk to the lobby

"We're going on a walk" he says walking out of the hotel

"No. I wanna stay here" i whine

"Hush up you need a social life" he jokes putting down

"I have a social life!" I defend

"I know I'm joking" he says pulling me down the street toward the park.

"You better" i laugh


After walking around the park, we head back to the hotel.

And basically the rest of the day, me and Taylor hung out.

Cause we're so fucking awesome.


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