Megans POV:
After a full nights rest, well as much rest as I could possibly get with 11 idiots nextdoor, plus Mahogany.
Its currently 8:45 and I am gunna head over to Taylors room around 9:30 so id better shower.
After my shower, I once again, go to my suitcase, and pull out a purple crop top, my light wash high waisted denim shorts, my galaxy priny Vans, and my white beanie I once again, stole from my brother.
I pull on my undergarnments and get dressed. Today, I decide to braid my brunette hair into a side braid like Katniss in the Hunger Games.
I don't bother with makeup, its always a,pain to put on and take off, so I never use it.
After I'm dressed and everything, its well passed 9:00 so I head to Taylors room.
Once I get there, I walk in and find Taylor in the bathroom, brushing his teeth.
I sit on his bed and wait. I decide to go on twitter. Nothing unusual just people begging for follows. I never got a follow from Taylor now that i think of it, I was kinda a crazed fangirl before I met him so my @ name is kinda creepy. I never got around to changing it.
I decided id tweet about our date and tag him.
"About to get breakfast with @taylorcaniff Xx"
A few minutes passed and I got a notification saying he replied and followed me.
" @ColorfulCaniff_ nice @ name babe" he replied back.
(A/N that's my actual twitter name if u wanna follow me)
"I can't believe you actually saw that!" I yell to him
"Believe it!" He laughs
"Are you almost ready?" I ask
"Yea I just wanna wash my face and brush my hair" he says.
"Kay" I reply laying down
"Comfy?" He asks walking to his suitcase
"Very." I say sitting up
"Can you help me tie this?" He asks referring to his bandana.
"Sure" i say getting up and walking over to him.
"Thanks" he says after I'm done.
"Your welcome"
Seconds later, my twitter notifications go off.
*@taylorcaniff Mentioned You:
"About to get breakfast with bae @ColorfulCaniff_"
And he put a picture of him sticking his tounge out and me, tying his bandana.
"You little shit" I laugh
"Come on, its cute." He laughs.
"Kinda" I say
"Let's get going" he says grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door.
Now Tay and I have held hands before cause like I said, we're best friends but this time, it felt..... different.
After 10 minutes of walking, we reach IHOP.
Once, we get inside, a waitress seats us.
"Hi, I'm Layla, can I get you guys something to drink?" The waitress asks
"Ill have a sprite please" I say
"Ill have a coke" Taylor says.
"Okay, be right back" she says walking away.
"So when's MAGCON start?" I ask
"Umm 3, I think" he says scanning his menu
"Did you happen to hear what Nash said yesterday during the soundcheck?" I ask nervously
"Oh you mean, when he said 'Megans on her period guys be nice'? Yeah I heard" he smirks
"Shit fuck damnit" I mutter.
"Wait your'e actually on it? I thought it was a joke shit I'm sorry" he says
"Its okay I'm just embarrassed" I murmur
"Oh" he says.
After breakfast we walk back to the hotel to find all the guys still sleeping.
"Hey I'm gunna smack cam Nash, can you film it on my phone?" I ask Taylor as we enter my room.
"Yeah" he says grabbing my phone.
I go into the bathroom and squirt shaving cream in my hand and trot down to Nash's room with Taylor following.
Once we get in the room, I turn to the camera and whisper "smack cam, Grier style"
I walk up to Nash's bed where he's asleep.
"Hey Nash?" I whisper
"What?" He asks sleepily.
"SMACK CAM!!!!" I scream slapping him hard on the cheek with the shaving cream
"What the hell?!" He asks sitting up
"Next time, dont fuck with a girl on her period" I laugh running out of the room.
Later that day, I post the video on my youtube channel.
Right now, MAGCON is going on so I'm alone in the break room with Lauren.
"So, how was breakfast?" She smirks
"Good, I guess?" I say throwing a grape in the air in attempt to catch it, but I miss
"Well I am so happy for you!" She exlaims
"Yeah I'm happy too" I say feeding myself a grape.
After MAGCON ends, we all head upstairs and record Vines and youtube videos for the remainder of the day.
Later that night, we all go for a walk
"My feet hurt" I groan
"Want me to carry you?" Cam asks
"Yes please" I say jumping on his back
After walking around, I switch from Cams back, to Matthew, to Jack. G, to Shawn, and now Taylors carrying me.
"Comfy?" Lauren teases walking beside us.
I nod and flip her off.
after a little more walking, I fall asleep on Taylors back.
But later I am awoken by someone laying me in bed. I open my eyes and see Nash tucking me in. He truly is a great big brother.
After he leaves, i pull off my clothes and put on my pajamas.
And I put my earbuds in and listen to music until i fall asleep.