Megans POV:
I wake up the next morning with my phone obnoxiously ringing.
I reach over and put it to my ear, not even bothering to check the caller ID.
"What" I groan sleepily into the phone
"Well good morning to you too" I hear my mom laugh on the other line
"Oh hi mommy" I say sitting up and running my hand through my ratchet hair
"Hi hun. I was just calling to see how you were doing" she says
"I'm good" I yawn
"That's good. Nash called me last night and told me you got inducted into the tour permanently!" She squeals
"Yea, I'm super excited!" I exclaim
"Well on a more serious note.... how are you and Taylor?" She asks changing the subject
"Oh that.... well he asked me to be his girlfriend" I say nonchalantly
"Oh my God yay!!" She exclaimS
"I know I'm super happy" I say smiling at the thought of Taylor.
"Well I'll leave you be. Have fun hun. I love you" she sighs
"Bye mom. Love you too" I say hanging up.
After I hang up, I hop out of bed and walk down to where the guys are.
"Yo" I say walking in the room and sitting on the couch.
"Sup Grier" Matt says from his spot on the bed.
"Hey" I say adjusting my pajama top.
Oh shit. I'm still in my pajamas.
And my pajamas arent the most approriate....
"Nice PJs" Jacob teases
"Uh thanks?" I squeak covering my chest by crossing my arms.
Yea, my pajamas consist of spandex shorts and a low cut spaghetti strap shirt.
"Well I'm gonna go change" I mumble walking out and running to my room
After I get to my room, I hop in the shower an wash up.
Then I pull on a mint green crop top, white short shorts, and my mint green Vans and a white beanie.
I pull my hair over one shoulder cause I'm too lazy to do anything else
After I'm dressed, I walk down to the guys room again.
"I'm back bitches!!" I yell sitting on the couch with my phone in hand.
"Welcome back" Matt laughs
"Thanks" I say
"So do you know where we're taking you today?" Jacob asks
"No. And where's Taylor and everyone else?" I ask texting Taylor
"Taylors at our destination, we should get going" Jacob says pulling me down to the lobby and out of the hotel.
Minutes later, we are driving away.
"Where are we going?" I ask clearly annoyed
"You'll see. Just relax" Jacob replies, continuing to drive
"I swear Whitesides....." I mumble texting Taylor again.
Me: where the fuck r u??