Megans POV:
It has been two weeks since i moved into my new house and things are going great for me.
Taylor and i have been datingfor about 5 months so far, and thats the longest relationship i have ever had to be honest.
It is now summer and it is hot a sin here in Indiana but we have a pool so im not complaining.
Me, Nash, and Hayes joined dads management thingy and we have already had 3 events so far. Carter joined the management too but the other guys refuse. i tried beggining and pleading the others but they say that they 'fly solo'
Today, we are all going on a cruise to the Bahamas where we we stay for two weeks. and by 'we' i mean, Me, Nash, Hayes, Mom, Dad, Sky, Carter, Matt, Mahogany, Jacob, Taylor, Lauren, Cam, Shawn, The Jacks, and Aaron.
As of right now, i am packed and ready to go so im helping Taylor pack.
"Packing is so fucking boring" he complains throwing random shirts in his bag
"no its not!" i laugh as i fold up his bandanas and put them in his bag neatly
"easy for you to say, your a girl ima guy, i hate this shit" he groans
"well if you would stop complaining maybe we would be done a hell of a lot faster" i tease
"the only good thing about this whole packing thing, is that i get alone time with you" he winks as he puts more belongings in his bag
"aww i love spending time with me too!" i laugh
"ha ha very funny now help me finish please" he asks
"yeah yeah yeah im helping" i reply stuffing some more clothes in his bag
After an hour of packing, clothes throwing, tackling, and well kissing, we finally manage to finish.
"finally" he groans falling onto his bed.
"come on, we have to meet everyone down stairs" i laugh, tugging him up from the bed.
"fineeee" he yawns pulling me and his bags down the stairs
"there they are!" Nash exlaims as Me and Taylor enter the living room.
"ready to go?" i ask
"yeah, we been ready we were just waiting on you" Hayes teases
"shut it" i say pulling Taylor out the front door and into my moms car.
we have to drive in seperate carsin order for all of us to get to the cruise line docking area thingy
Me, Taylor, Cam, Nash, Lauren, and Jack G in one car, then its Aaron Jacob Jack J, Matt, Carter and Shawn in another, then its Mahogany, Mom, Dad, Hayes, and Sky.
After we load into the cars, we drive to the boating thingy.
"this is so exciting!" Lauren exclaims as we pull into the boating dock
"i know! i cant wait to feel the sand between my toes" i giggle laying my head on Taylors shoulder
"i cant waitto spend a whole two weeks with my best friends and no drama" Lauren sighs happily
"i know, we have had too much drama in the past few months" i reply
"this is great opportunity for all of us to bond and have fun" Cam say, snaking his arm around Laurens waist
"yea, it will be a stress free two weeks where we can all just let loose" Nash says, parking the car.
"well lets gooo" i say, hopping out and grabbing my bag.
"SWAG MONEY!!!!!!" lLauren and i yell as we walk onto the boat.
over the past two weeks, i have gotten over my fear of boatsand water thanks to Taylor who took time at least once a day to go swimming with me and help me swim better.
"Alright kids, listen up, i already paired up the rooms so no complaining about who you want to room with understand?" my mom says as we board
"yes ma'am" we all reply
"alright, in the first room, its Megan, :Lauren, Cam and Taylor." she anounces
"yes!" me and Lauren chant, bumping fists
"then, its Aaron, Shawn, and the Jacks in the next room." she says eyeballing them
"sweet!" Jack Gilinsky yells
"then, its Hayes Nash, Jacob, and Mahogany" she smirks.
i helped her pick what room to put Mahogany and Jacob in and informed her of JOX hehehe
"then, its Me, Chad, Sky" she smiles, taking Skylynns hand in hers
"then, lastly, its Carter and Matt" she says, handing us our room keys
"be safe guys and dont do anything stupid" she says, particularly to me and Taylor, causeing us to blush
"yesmother" i groan as we seperate and go to our rooms.
there are bunk beds intead of full ones so i drop my bags and run to the top bunk on the left side of the room.
"DIBS!" i yell climbing on the bed.
"ill get the bottom one" Taylor smirks
"Which one do you want Lauren?" Cam asks setting his bags down
"top please" she says
"kay, ill get bottom." he says walking over to their beds and sitting down.
"this is so exciting" i smile, getting off the bunk and walking back to my bags and putting them in the closet
"i heard that this boat has everything, a mall, a bar, a dance club for teens, four pools, 6 hot tubs, and 12 different restaraunts!" Lauren says reading off a pamphlet
"awesome!!" i say as i walk over to the mirror and adjust my outfit.
today, im wearing a black t shirt with 'My Chemical Romance' written in forest green lettering, forest green short shorts, and black flip flops. my hair is simply tied up in a ponytail.
"well we have two weeks here so we have plenty of time for all of that shit and more" Taylor says
"well, im going out to explore, ill be back" i say, walking out into the hallway just as i bump into a very familiar bony figure
"Oh My Go d im so sor-- Samantha?!"
hey yall i graduated last nightttt
im officially a 9th grader
fuck yeaaaaaa
sorry i had to leave you guys a little cliffhanger.
i feel like i needed to spice up the book a little bit cuz it was getting boring to me.
if you like this book please comment and vote, and follow me if you like.
i got my very own laptop today so i can update alot more, being its SUMMER VACATIONNN
i was so excited to get it and shit, well now i gotta go make a youtube video and then play on omegel and shit like that.
so yeah, subscribe to me on youtube and you can see my video, its gunna be about my graduation or maybe a singing video of a cover.
idk im just so excited.
well byeeeee