Megans POV:
After a long nights rest in my new house, i wake up and walk down stairs and find myself getting hungry. being i had cereal last night, i wanna go out and get breakfast and explore the city a bit.
i walk back up stairs and walk back into my room. i decide on takinga shower being i got all sweaty yesterday.
i hop in the shower and wash up, humming to whatever tune pops into my head. I step out dry off, whilewalking over to my vanity i have in the bathroom.
i brush my hair and pull it into a fishtail braid. i brush my teeth and walk ino my room, with my towel wrapped tightly around my wet body.
i walk overto my closet and step inside, shutting the door behind me. i paw through many articles of clothing but nothing satisfies me. i decide on wearing a gray spaghetti strap shirt, black yoga pants, and my black Vans.
i drop my towel and pull on my outfit and slip on my white beanie for good measure.
i walk out of the closet and toss mytowel in the hamper and walk downstairs and grab my phone from the charger i have plugged in.
i walk outside and see that Taylor is outside playing basketball, shirtless.
go figure.
i walk down the driveway and curse myselff for not wearing sunglasses.
i walk past Taylor and get on my bike.
i pull out my earbuds and plug them into my phone. i select my 'Crazy Mofos' playlist and begin to pedal away.
Take You Down by Chris Brown comes on and i sing along softly to the song.
i observe the scenery that is now my neighborhood as i pedal by.
I pass a few house and one of which has cute boy playing basketball in the driveway.
he smiles and waves, and i wave back and continue pedaling.
After a few minutes of pedaling, i reach a Burger King. its so unhealthy but itll have to do.
i park my bike outside and walk inside.
"Hey welcome to Burger King, how may i help you" the girl at the register asks
"hi, can i get a strawberry banana smoothie please?" i ask, pulling out my wallet.
"sure is that it?" she asks typing in my order
"yep thats it" i smile
"okay, thatll be $2.47" she says
"kay" i reply, handing her my money.
After i get my smoothie, i peek outside at my bike and realize that its gone.
my eyes widen as i run outside.
i look around and find that someone has stolen it.
"are you fucking kidding me" i groan, walking away from the building.
"guess ill have to walk" i groan walking along the road, toward my house.
after a few minutes of walking, a car pulls up next to me.
its a black Lambo and i automaticallyknow who it is.
"Hey doof why are you walking?" i hear Taylor ask, as he rolls down his window.
"someone stole my bike" i pout
"get in, ill take you home" he smiles
"thank God! its hot out here!" i laugh climbing into his car and rolling up the window.