Megans POV:
Its been two weeks since me and my moms huge fight, and things are finally looking good.
After Nashville, I had found out that Lauren and Jack were moving to Omaha, Nebraska. Her dad got a new job and it requires relocation of the entire family.
I'm pretty bummed that I.won't see my best friend anymore, but the good thing is, is that she lives closer to Cam.
Today, her and Jack are flying out. I am currently helping pack their boxes Into a storage unit that will be flown to Omaha.
"There are a few more boxes in my room, can you help me?" Lauren asks, as we walk up the stairs again.
"Yea" I say, as I enter, what once was, my best friends room.
"I'm gunna miss this place" she mumbles, standing by the window.
"Yea, it won't be the same without you" I say picking up the last box
"Ill miss you SO much" she sniffles, wiping at her eyes
"Cmon, let's get outta here" I sigh, pulling her out of the house.
I place the last box in the storage unit and turn to Lauren.
"I'll call everyday" i smile, pulling her into a bonecrushing hug.
"You better" she sniffles
"Have fun in Omaha" I say, releasing her.
She wipes her eyes and turns to walk away.
"Bye Lauren" I whisper to myself as tears stream down my cheeks like Niagra Falls.
I watch sadly as her family drives away, toward their new life.
I stand alone in their driveway, crying silently.
After I walk home, I clean my room, and help mom with Skylynn.
And currently, we are eating dinner.
"Honey, arent you hungry?" My mom asks, as I push my food around my plate
I shake my head and continue pushing my food around.
She sighs and continues eating
After dinner, I lock myself in my room and welcome depression.
Its been two days, and I havent eaten or left my room. I am laying on my bed, watching Twilight.
About 1/2 way through the movie, I geg a Skype request from Jack.
I eagerly open the call and find Lauren and Jack, sitging in front of me.
"Hey guys!!" I exclaim
"Hi Megan!!" Lauren squeals
"How's Omaha?" I ask, pulling out a chocolate bar and munching on it.
"Its great!! Everyone is so nice!!" Jack smiles
"Yeah! Everythings amazing!!" Lauren adds
"That's good, how's the house?" I ask
"Here, we'll give you a tour!!" Jack exclaims picking up his macbook, and showing me their new house, heck its practically a mansion.
After a while, I hang up and walk downstairs.
"Hey looks who's alive!" Nash jokes
"Hey guys,Lauren and Jack jusg Skyped me." I smile
"Hun, that's great!"Mom smiles
After a few hours, I fall asleep on the couch, in Nashs lap.