To the society

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Nice try. You did great. You really have a degree in making people feel miserable and sorry for themselves. You took millions of lives and maybe you'll be part of the Guinness Book of World Records.

All these trends are starting to kill people maybe not physically but inside almost everyone is dying. You need to wear fancy clothes so you'll fit with others. You need to wear cosmetics so you'll look great in public just like everyone else. You need to have a smart phone because it's a necessity. You need to have the things that every teenager wanted or otherwise you'll get out of place.

Dear society, stop being a perfectionist. Stop putting labels and standards to put everything in a hierarchy. I don't need to place me anywhere. I know where I belong. I can choose who I wanted to be. You don't need to tell me who I make friends with. You don't need to teach me what to wear. You're not the boss of me so stop making arrangements with my life. Stop looking down on me if we didn't meet your expectations. No one ask you to expect anything from me. I never did say that I'll satisfy your expectations.

Keep trying but soon you'll grow tired of me. I won't do everything you ask because you don't hold justice. You don't give people the right to keep living a simple but rather you make everything a necessity so we'll know how it feels like to be on top of the hierarchy.

These levels of wealth aren't helping. It's just making things a lot worse. Those who can't afford are starting to look down on themselves and some are trying to pretend they're on top which they shouldn't be doing. And some of those can are just enjoying the life full of wealth as if the others don't deserve it. I'd prefer to lose all these trends and continue living a normal if it means saving thousands of lives.

This kind of society is not healthy nor wealthy. It's a destructive type of community. If only more of us knew how to value people more than these fancy trends we could have save thousands of lives. We could have been better persons. The trends of this society won't get the most of us if only we've seen things differently.

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