~A Talk With You~

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I woke up a bit early or maybe more like really early, I'm just too excited about today.

I already fixed myself so when we arrive there all that is left to do is  the idols make up and hair.

When we got there, we all unpacked our stuff and helped the idols get ready. Jongup and I bowed to in a form of greeting each other, I started on bringing out my make up brushes and then I worked on his face.

While I was doing this, I can't stop but notice his gorgeous features, His very sharp jaw line, His firm skin and his soft lips, And I can't stop but stare at his beauty mark on his nose.

I tried so hard not to cover his mole and also darkening it a bit without anyone noticing the bad cover up.

I made him look natural so everyone outside the backstage can see how fine this man is.

His cold but desirable eyes was his secret weapon, He looks at the fans who wanted him, but here I am doing his and his hyungs make up.

And because I was getting to close to his angelic face, I can see that he was having trouble breathing.
I walked back and pretended that I was looking at his face in a far away point of view, I gulped at the awkward silence and I saw that he looked better than I expected - than I practiced all the time last night, A d I realized it only took 30 minutes to do it.

"Andddd... We are finished."
I clasped my hands hoping he would like the look I gave him.

He then checked himself out in the mirror in front of him, he nodded and kind of looked proud at what I did.

"I really like the look Taeyang, Thanks for doing it. Im gonna go and find what I should wear."
He then walked away with his silly style of walking, Himchan came near me bare faced, He looked tired maybe mostly because of the practice yesterday.

"Why not take a sit here Oppa."
I pointed at the chair, it made him look and he finally sat down.

It took a few minutes for me to think about what we can talk about so he won't get bored.

"So oppa tell me," - He hummed probably letting me continue "Who are the members of B.A.P?"

"Hmm..." - I waited patiently while he was thinking of an answer.
"That's a good question for a newbie, It just made me think who we really are."

I let out a sarcastic chuckle making him put his hand on his chin, looking a bit intelligent.

"B.A.P is a group who makes and performs music for  the world to hear. Music that makes you feel free and wanted.
Yongguk and Zelo writes the good lyrics - But mostly Yongguk, He writes what's in his heart and what the world needs to know. And I shall know these stuff because I am the closest to him."

I nod in approval, Himchan then continued to talk about Yongguk.

"Well, more about Yongguk... He loves tigger and even named his dog that, he has an older sister and an older  twin brother. The Bang family is really badass and cool but he really looks like the dad of the group, He is very responsible man and I can really see how hard he works and how eager he really is to protect us."

He described him passion, And he looks so inspired by Yongguk's personality.

"You see, I really look up to him, He is really great at what he love to do, To write his whole mind and heart out."

I smiled lovingly at the statement he added, Then I continued on brushing his fluffy and red hair.

"So then... What about Mr. Kim Himchan?"

"Oh Mr. Kim Himchan is the most handsome one in the group you know? He is the mother of the group, like everyone said."
I chuckled at his proud answer about himself.

"Then what does Jung Daehyun do?"

"Oh he eats... Just kidding, Well he is very talkative, And kind of have a very sensitive side, and if you touch that sensitive side he will end up getting drunk with a tattoo. Not always though, because his patience is not always at it's limit, His patience is wide. And I'm not wrong about eating."

Himchan then made me laugh once again, It looks like he really know about Daehyun.

"So about Yoo Youngjae" He said.

"You see Youngjae is the sensitive one, He can get very touched especially when it's about our fans. He is very competitive, but only when he knows he'll win. But he always win goddamnit."

He doesn't sound jealous, But I think Himchan really needs a chance to win against Younjae. Right?

"Well Moon Jongup is very entertaining. The whole group will totally laugh about his sillyness even if he isn't trying to joke, And I can't really seem to understand how he changes his personality and face when he is on camera or on stage. When I talk to him, You will really hear the sarcasm in his tone even though he is not trying to. He is a really cool guy, Like Daehyun - He has a wide range of patience. We try to annoy him but it's really rare to see him annoyed."

"And for Junhong, He is the youngest at heart but his mind is quite mature. He is a bit stubborn at times but it's because he can't always carry the weight on his shoulders, All the commands always end up to him, And I adore his patience, He continues to obey us and I love it!"

He clapped and then a laugh escaped his lips. He suddenly went weird for a second.
I shook my head and finished his look with a bit brushing to the sides to take out any fall outs from the eyeshadow.

"There! All done princess!" I spun his chair
to where the mirror is so he can check himself out.

"I love the look Taeyang... Oh and by the way I am a queen not a princess ;)"

He winked and clicked his tounge so he can get a dramatic exit. He came back peeking from the wall behind me, He came back without even a milisecond passed.

"Oh and please get yourself an outfit darling, You don't want to dance in that right?"
He pointed at my outfit and it made me look at myself, I tried to look back at him but he was gone again - Like a Fairy Godmother.

I wanted to say and resist because I can't borrow any clothes from their closet.

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