Secret Garden

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We had a couple hours of free time between getting to camp and dinner starting, and Miranda wouldn't stop accusing me of liking Travis, so I went to my secret garden. Yeah. I know it sounds weird, but sometimes I want to be alone, and everyone would know to look for me in my regular garden, so I have a hidden one in the forest. Nobody knows about it but me.

I sat down on the little bench made out of a tree, and thought about earlier today. I think a lot. I over think a lot, actually. I was thinking about when I was walking up the hill with Miranda and Travis came over.

I didn't actually stare at him, did I? Miranda has a bad sense of humor sometimes, maybe she was just continuing the joke from earlier. Yeah. I decided. That's it.

Somebody sat down on the bench next to me. "Watcha thinking about, Katie Cat?" "Not you." I lied. We sat in silence for a minute. "So what exactly do you want, Travis?" "On a first name basis, now, are we Katie Cat?" "In your dreams, Stoll." He looked at me, with the same mischievous glint in his gorgeous eyes he gets when he's pranking someone. I didn't say that. He leaned in a little bit, and for a second I thought he was about to kiss me.

The dinner gong rang and he grinned. "Dinner time, Katie Cat." What the Hades just happened?


That night after dinner, I lied down on my bed, thinking about what happened earlier with Travis. I considered telling Miranda, but after her harassment about Travis earlier, I decided against it.

That was so weird. I seriously thought he was about to kiss me. That would have been totally awful, right? I mean Travis Stoll kissing me sounds like a bad dream.

"Stop lying to yourself" says a voice in my head. "You know you like him. You might even love him." Who in Hades is talking for me right now?

"No I am not Hades!" the voice said indignantly. Godsdamn. Aphrodite. "Bingo. Although I'm not too fond of you using our names in vain." Shut up. "I will not. Not until you admit to your love for Travis Stoll." When pigs fly. I heard a loud snap, and a herd of pigs flew, yes flew, by my window.

I turned around to see Aphrodite sitting gracefully on my bed. "Now, what were we saying?" "Fine. I'll say I love him. I just hope you dont mind me lying." "Oh no, I dont mind. Because I know you won't actually be." I rolled my eyes. "I, Katie Gardner, am madly in love with Travis Stoll. Now leave." "As you wish."

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