Love in Greece

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"Welcome to Greece, please exit the air plane once the doors are open. Again thanks for flying with Super Natural Air" The pilot announced over the intercom. We walked through the air port hand in hand.

"Love I hope you like it here." Daniel stated squeezing my hand with excitement.

"As long as you're here with me it's already perfect." I replied as we reached a car.

"Hello Prince Daniel, Princess Sophia. I will take you to the Royal Olympic Hotel." The driver greeted. Daniel greeted him and we all climbed into the fancy car. As we drove to our destination I looked at all the ancient buildings that surrounded us. I was amazed at all of its beauty.

"Beautiful isn't it." Daniel commented

"It's beyond beautiful Daniel it's gorgeous I love it so far, and it's only the day imagine this at night with all the lights." I excitedly explained.

"My father took my mother here. But being as old as those two they probably were here when it was built." He joked which earned a giggle.

"You know they seem a lot younger than what they actually are." I committed

"Us vamps can last a very long time. You're lucky you found me at this age and not like a thousand years from now." He joked.

"True I don't know if I would have wanted to marry a thousand year old vampire. You would've been the oldest pedophile ever." I replied as I noticed the car coming to a complete stop.

"No matter what you wouldn't have turned my charm down even if you tried." He stated and sent a wink to me before getting out of the car. He held his hand out to me helping me to my feet.

"I'm sure I would have passed you up. Maybe Elijah would have taken me in he would've been closer to my age." I continued the joke. I giggled once he looked at me with a shock expression written in his eyes.

"Don't say that!" He stated pulling me closer to his chest.

"But honey you started this." I replied. He pouted giving me those eyes that made me want to drop everything and kiss him.

"But Sophie don't you love me?" He stated.

"Fine no fair you win." I gave in and pulled his face closer to me and I kissed my husband. We checked in and went to our room, and completed the mating bond. Everything felt right after and I just knew life with Daniel was meant to be filled with love. We exploded in ecstasy and I loved every part of it.

"I love you Sophia" He whispered in my ear sending chills to shoot down my spine.

"I love you more" I giggled.

"Round two?" He joked as he pulled my body closer to him. He kissed my neck making me moan when his lips touched my skin.

"I am taking that for a yes." He commented and kissed my lips so passionately, his hands roamed my body as we made love for the second time.

I woke up the next morning tangled in Daniel's arms and the sheets. We were up all night and I loved every second of it. Today we were planning to have a lovely breakfast and sight seeing which I was totally excited for. Look at me acting as if I'm a teenager and all in love. It is true what they say though when you find true love it makes you do some pretty crazy things. Daniel saved me from turning dark, before I use to always fight to the top. Now I don't really see my self having to fight, not when I have him here. I just hope that last battle scared Kols pack away for a while so I can enjoy this married life just a little longer. 

After breakfast we decided to see as Daniel says it the old country so here we are riding ridiculous goat carriages. When he told me about it I didn't think he would be so serious about it. So here I am riding through the country on a goat mobile.

"You have to admit this is fun." Daniel stated he was so happy it was as if he was a little kid in a candy store.

"Babe I am having load of goatly fun." I sarcastically stated.

"Goatly? Come on Soph it's fun. Who else can say a goat carriage took us across the old county. Man Caleb and the guys are going to freak about this." He stated. I was still waiting for Ashton K. to come out and make his appearance saying you got pranked. Yes I know that show is gone but seriously this was that bizarre.

"I love you Daniel but your idea's of fun are quit weird. Lets go snorkeling or let's look at the ancient buildings. We're in Greece babe lets do as the Greek do!" I shouted throwing my arms up.

"Fine you win." He stated.

For the next couple of days we went to see all the Greek god temples, we went to see the Olympic stadium oh and we ate so much. I never knew I loved Greek food til I ate it. Amazing as everything sounds we did have some problems with Daniel wanting to ride the damn goat ride again. So before we leave this wonderful world here we are back at Goat Carriage.

"Please don't be mad I have something extra planned for us." Daniel stated.

"I'm not mad Daniel I'm bored." I replied resting my head on his shoulder.

"I promise the end will be fantastic." He promised as he played with my fingers with his own. We stayed quit enjoying the scenery as he says it while we can. I looked up and saw a hidden path that I assumed lead to a temple I only knew that because of all the others had the same walk ways. You know golden bricks and all. The ride slowed to a stop and finally Daniel jumped off and helped me off this thing. We walked hand in hand down the old path. Back in the day when wolves and vampires were hidden they weren't able to walk so freely. Daniel said before the great war we all were hunted by humans, yes we still try to be hidden but it's only because humans can't handle knowing the truth.

"Welcome to Eros temple. He is the god of love." Daniel comment dragging me out of my thoughts. I looked up and sure enough we were just outside of the god of love's temple. I was shocked because they stated there were absolutely no visitors allowed at the moment.

"How?" I asked.

"Oh you know a certain prince wanted the place to himself and his newly wedded wife. He pulled a few strings and here we are." Daniel replied. I was in awe it seemed like he knew which Greek god I liked the most.

"Daniel this is amazing. Thank you so much!" I excitedly stated jumping on my husband and wrapping my arms around him

"Don't thank me yet. Lets go inside so you can see the real surprise." he stated. We walked closer to the enormous building everything was carved to perfection. Its beauty was astonishing and I really didn't know how to describe it. When we reached the center I was in shock once again. Daniel had a table set up with all my favorite Greek foods I tried over the trip.

"Here put this on." He ordered and handed me a white bag. I quickly ran to the guest services building and headed to the restroom. When I opened the bag it brought a smile to my face. I quickly changed into the white toga and put the golden head piece on. I also put the matching gladiator sandals that were on the bottom of the bag. When I returned to Daniel he was already changed and dressed in his toga. If I didn't know better I would have mistaken him for a Greek god.

"You look beautiful my goddess." Daniel complemented as he grabbed my hand. We sat down at the table and ate all the wonderful food. A band came in and started to play ancient Greek music and an instructor came in and taught us how to dance to the wonderful music. Every thing was perfect, I had the perfect honeymoon of my life.

Hey everyone sorry it's just a filler chapter things are going to get pretty crazy once they get home tho so I hope u all enjoy this please comment and vote

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