Who We Are

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They say to cherish the good things in life because you never know what will happen next. Don't take things for granted because as fast as you received them the faster they are taken. Life is funny like that you never know what will happen next, I suppose it's just the circle of life.

   Also people never know who others really are. Everyone wears perfect masks, hiding their true form from the world. That is until you revile them for who they really are, broken people who like to hurt others to make them feel better. Yet again not everyone is like this because you can get those random rare jewels. People with hearts of gold, no matter how many people stab their back they still stand high and prove everyone wrong. I hope to be like that but then again I use to be someone people feared. I killed without a care, some times I done it because I loved the thrill it gave me. It made me feel somewhat complete watching their blood ooze out. All this time the feeling I was feeling was the missing piece of my heart. That search is gone I found what I've been wanting my whole life. Love from an amazing guy who makes me happy. Humans sometimes go their whole life without their other half, they don't know what true love really is. To them it's only seen on the big screen or in their favorite books. It's not real to most humans because some aren't capable of love. People die for the love they dream of, its only deathly if you give your heart to the wrong person. Yea they will make you feel special and loved. It will feel like they were made just for you and then when you least suspect it another younger girl with bigger boobs come around and they drop you like yesterday's garbage.

Love is a game to most people, if you don't play your cards right you loose everything. You are probably wondering why am I talking about heartache right after a wonderful honeymoon I just had. Well once Daniel and I made it back home we got news that Kol was attacking again. Daniel being the prince he is suited up for war and me being the amazing fighter I am couldn't let him go alone. So here I am spying on the guy who made so many empty promises, cheat on his mate. My old best friend, someone I once called sister. I guess it could be worse it could have been me who was getting played with like a Barbie. He use to be a worthy wolf and partner, but I suppose once Kol corrupts someone everything goes down hill after that. The moans from their kissing made me gag actually today everything made me feel sick. Since we came back I've had bad tummy ache which is bizarre to me. I'm never sick it's impossible. I dropped from the branch I was sitting on and landed right in front of the two.

"Sorry to intrude, maybe not it made me sick watching you two kids kiss. Talk about disgusting what will your mate say?" I rambled on.

"Sophia when did you get here?" Patrick asked dumbfoundedly.

"I saw everything if that's what you're asking." I simply replied.

"Well I suggest you leave we were busy." The girl complained. I rolled my eyes on the bimbo and blew onto my hand into Pat's face, it was laced with sleeping powder knocking the two out stone cold. The two bodies dropped to the floor and I watched Caleb and Daniel pick the two bodies up and we headed back to the hidden entrance. We took them back to question the two about Kols strategies, I was happy at how easy this mission went, I was expecting an ambush but nothing. Once we were back at the castle and locked the two in separate cells, we played the waiting game.

"She was so mad about the donkey ride." I heard the two laughing and exchanging stories.

"Wait an actual donkey? Man no way I've always wanted to ride one. Next time take me and we can have donkey races." Caleb replied.

"You two are idiots you know that right." I commented and the both pretended to be hurt.

"She is a feisty one today. What did you do knock her off the bed or something." Caleb asked. I decided to ignore these two idiots and walked to find Christian and Brian. They were by the pool trying to play pranks on the princesses.

"Christian I am going to tell Daniel on you if you don't stop!" Samantha screamed. He held her by the waist keeping her from running. The two were close to the edge of the pool and once Sam stopped squirming around Christian picked her up and threw her into the water. He bent over holding his stomach laughing he didn't notice Samantha got out of the pool and pushed him in until his body hit the water. It was now Samantha laughing at the drenched vampire.

"That wasn't nice Sammy." Christian stated as he swam around the pool. She jumped in near him and smirked at the boy.

"No one ever said I was nice." She replied.

"You guys are cute." I commented letting my presence known. The two got scared and swam away from each other.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Christian tried to say covering up what ever was going on.

"Sure you do." Brian stated from the jacuzzi where he was sitting. Sarah was laid out on a chair reading. She put the book down and giggled.

"We all know you two are in love." She simply stated making the two blush. I sat down letting my legs dangle in the water.

"Don't say anything please." Sam pleaded.

"Why it's cute." I stated.

"Because I'm not ready to tell everyone Christian is my beloved. Not until this war is over." Samantha quietly stated.

"You guys are the only ones who know." Christian added as he swam closer to his mate and hugged her. He held so much love for the girl next to him, it reminds me of Daniel and his love for me. I just know these two will have an amazing love story one day.

"Your secret is safe with me." I replied giving the two a small smile.

"Thank you." They both said at the same time making each other blush.

"Here you are." Daniel stated as he and Caleb entered the room. I stood up to hug my husband but once I stood up I ended up running towards the restroom and vomited everything. I flushed the toilet and went to the sink and washed up.

"What is wrong with me?" I asked my self. I rubbed my tummy and instantly froze. I looked down at my stomach and screamed. I felt a wave of dizziness fill my head and I passed out.

Hey everyone sorry for the long wait hope this small chapter helps. So what do you think she saw? Comment your answers. Yeah so who thought ChriSammy were mates? They're my new favorite couple be prepared to see them more. 

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