Royally screwed

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Another snap of the whip flew across my back for trying to run, another step further from my family. Life shouldn't be this hard I was supposed to be king ruling next to my wife while raising my kids. I wonder if they were safe a day hasn't passed without me thinking of them. Laughter filled the air, a laugh so wicked it gave everyone chills.

"Daniel looks like your brother and sister's failed. So who shall get the beating now?"

"I will leave him alone now! You beat him for sixteen years straight now leave him alone before you kill him!" Sara cried out

"No don't hurt her hit me not them!" I demanded. I was the only one they had left after leaving the castle we were attacked and kidnapped. When we woke up we all were chained up that's when we watched our parents die, my heart ached for them. I just hope my kids never have to watch their mother die. I watched my look a like walk into the room while smirking at me. He shifted and let his true identity show. Patrick had everyone fooled from the start, his mate was killed by the girl who caused all of this. He didn't care though why would he when Elizeth controlled him. They starved us so we could be weak, they beat me til I collapsed.

"Daniel you're no fun why don't I bring Kylie for some fun!" He hissed.

"Don't you dare touch her!" I yelled and thrashing around trying to break loose with my brother and sisters doing the same.

"You know it would have been much easier to take her but your little mate likes to get involved with everyone. She had me kicked out!" Patrick yelled.

"How did she do that?" Elizeth yelled

"She kissed Kol and broke the dam curse! They're working together now." He answered. I was shocked to hear what he just said Sophia my mate kissed Kol. My heart shattered I held on to hope that one day we would be together again but with Patrick running around looking like me who knows what he done.

"Might as well get rid of him then, he is no use to us with her being on his side. You had one job and it was to keep those two away."

"You're the one who faked your death maybe you should have kept Kol away!"

"Patrick shut up, get rid of the blood suckers they're no use any more."

"No please don't kill us!" My sister's started to scream, my brother was thrashing around with guard's holding onto him. I on the other hand wasn't about to let them kill another person I loved. The guards lead us to the woods where they tied us up when they killed our parents. I watched the guard slap my sister her body falling from the impact, just enough fuel to make me snap. I snapped my guards neck and sucked his blood, once his blood touched my mouth strength that I haven't felt in sixteen years came back. I sped around freeing my sister's and brother once we were all filled up on blood we ran, because once Elizeth found out what happened she would kill us her self.

Sophia pov

"Kade listen to me I said no!" I yelled once more.

"Come on mom how bad can it be?" He begged once more.

"Its not safe beyond those gates, now as your mother you listen to me."

"Fine but I thought we were going to be free not be trapped by you." He argued back.

"Mom let the big bad wolf get his way." Ky stated sticking up for her brother.

"Shut it blood sucker!" Kade argued

"Both of you listen to your mother." A husky voice demanded. A voice I haven't heard in years.

"And who the hell are you?" Ky asked as she got into defensive position.

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