It's not over yet

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Patrick's POV

I slammed my fist down on the table, making Lizeth shut up. She was truly annoying all the damn time. She kept saying we need to attack now, she doesn't understand it's not that simple.

"Shut the hell up Lizeth!" I roared

"No! Now Patrick you listen to me you disrespectful piece of crap! I'm in charge of this situation just because we lost Kol doesn't mean anything. He was useless anyways. I want to attack now." She demanded as she slammed her hands down on the desk rising from her chair. She looked like a mad cow but I wasn't going to complement her any time soon.

"Sophia will kill you for good this time, and you know I might just be the one to light your ugly ass on fire this time!" I argued back.

"How could you a still love her? After all you found your mate, stop protecting her already." She argued as she became jealous. She was always jealous of Sophia that's why she spelled Kol all those years ago, sad story really. Why couldn't I get over Sophia though was it because she was always the person to help me? We made an excellent team I was the one who tried to calm her down though yet I never knew why she would break my act. When I was with her I didn't care about this plan we created when I was with her it was as if I was my true self.

"Because, she is hot and smart. She never complained like you and for my mate do not speak about her you killed her don't you ever say her name!" I yelled, remembering the day as if it was yesterday when in deed it has been years since I found her body cut opened as if she was a lab rat. Hee eyes missing and her mouth sewed shut. Only work of a true psychopath, work of the witch in front of me.

"Alana, Alana, Alana! She was weak and easy to kill. Best part of her death is when she kept screaming for you to help her. Patrick please help me I need you!" She taunted, making my blood boil. I jumped up from the chair and let my fangs slide down and my eyes turn red. I wanted to kill her. Jumping over the desk I attacked latching my fangs into her throat, I greedily drank her blood as she screamed for help. I always enjoyed the screaming it fueled my ego, I made my victims know they were weak. Finally her body went limp in my arms, unlike Sophia I didn't have the power to catch things on fire I don't even understand how she received such a power. My powers consist of strength, speed, and compulsion. The typical vampire powers.

I felt Elizeth twitch under my body making me get off her so she can wake up again. One day I think I'll really kill her I'm so tired of seeing her face. How Kol stayed so long was a mystery to me, I mean she was so damn annoying.

"I swear if you do that crap to me again Patrick I will kill you my self!" She yelled.

"We both know there are a few people you can't kill. I just happened to be apart of that group your powers can't kill." I stated, as I kicked my feet up on her desk and leaned back on my chair.

"Just because I can't kill hybrids doesn't mean I can't have fun trying."

"Until you end up dead. I promise that day will be soon" With that I got up and walked to the door, I heard something flying towards my head making me step to my side just in time to see a dagger lodge it's way into the door. I pulled it out and threw it back towards the witch laughing as it struck her in her chest. Every time She dies she becomes weaker and weaker making it easier for me to have some fun. I left her office and walked down the hall of the familiar cave, it was cold and wet in here but she preferred this over an actual house. Some times this life isn't what I want and I wish I never made a deal with her when I was younger to save my family and their pack. I ruined my life for a family that I never belonged to, I was adopted and I never knew. I was always a hybrid reliving life over and over until a curse is broken. I sometimes wonder who my true parents were but all I know is I came from the same bloodline that killed Sophia's great, great, great grandfather. I'm probably forgetting another great but who cares? I walked passed the underground river no railings to protect anyone if they fall in, no lights to guide our way through. I came here most of my days the sound of the rushing river passing by calmed my nerves. Some day I'll find out where this river leads to if I go through it dead or alive I'll find out one day.

I climbed down the rock path getting as close as I can to the water until I came to a rock big enough to hold my weight. I sat there thinking of all the decisions I ever made in life regretting most of them. I should have been there for Alana She was my mate and I failed her, and our unborn child. I slammed my fist into the rock wall as tears slid down my face. It's my fault they died, I wasn't there to protect her, instead I was signing a treaty with that Bastard Kol. I don't care if he was spelled I still wanted my revenge on both of them. Elizeth will see my face before she dies I will make a promise to the moon goddess her self to see that day happen, but until then I have to continue killing her until she is at her absolute weakest.

Hey love bugs!!!
I hope you enjoy this I was finishing this up on my lunch hour since I had nothing else to do. I also have a favor of y'all can you lovely readers check out Not your Average Cinderella Story if you haven't yet of course. And for you lovely readers who read and voted for this story thank you so much I smile every time my phone shows I have another notification from a lovely reader who voted! Also for those who haven't read Disasterology I just wanted to let you know if you love Caleb, and Francesca you can find out more of their past in that story. Love you all and thank you again

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