Seas of lies

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Being lied to is one thing, being lied to by the one person you loved was like a steak to the heart. Broken promises of forever, endless tears of pain is what drove me insane. Maybe it was this war and maybe that prophecy was true, the world would end if I'd choose the wrong mate. Who knew this whole time Kol was always the one I was meant for? Maybe being alone and hurt by the ones I loved was my fate, after all I'm twisted now. This war changed me, the twins changed me, Daniel, Patrick and Kol changed me. Each broken heart, each rejection, each tear shed brought me here. Here isn't a pretty place to be actually this place is horrible! If you thought about dark, fire fields that's where my heart lays. I've learned through all this pain, that no one will save you but your self. True love is not real, and soul mates, beloveds, are things made up from stories. I should have known I'm not a princess, this isn't a fairytale. I know he won't come around riding a white horse to rescue us. That's something you expect from a movie or a book. This is real life and no matter how many times someone says sorry they never mean it. It takes years to forget someone and a lifetime to erase memories. No matter what I do I can't erase my memories of him choosing her. He had a chance to chase us, to rescue us but he never came. Days of hoping he would come turned to weeks. Months turned to years and as soon as I know it my kids are growing up. Wasting time on him when I should have spent it more with my kids.

"Mom are you out of it or what?" Kade asked as he sat in front of me. He grew up he wasn't my baby no more he was turning sixteen.

"Obviously she is ignoring you Kade!" Kylie stated while she played with her knife. You know your life is really messed up when they carry around knives.

"Shut it you two. I'm going out grabbing supplies you two scope the area and shift if you are in trouble" I ordered they nodded in approval and they ran off. We were a team just the three of us, that's all I would ever need and ever want. I rounded the corner hunched over touching the ground, I watched as the ice covered the floor and crawled up the walls. My breath was now visible to the eye, it was time. I stepped out out the shadows letting my self known, growls erupted throughout the room and I flicked my arms down two long ice swords formed. One by one guards started to shift. I stood there in the middle of the room while they charged and once they attacked so did I. Blood was sheded, wolves were killed, they were injured and some were retreating except they couldn't leave the doors were frozen shut. I threw the ice swords towards the remaining wolves and burst into flames. Screams of horror were replaced by pleading and then replaced once more with screams of pain. The air smelled of death, burning wolf fur smelled the worst. Once they were dead the doors were thrown open and I walked out leaving a trail of flames. I went to the next meeting room, and repeated the same attack as before. As I sat on a chair with my boots crossed on the table I smiled. Creepy sadistic smile scaring the guards as they piled in surrounding me. In the middle they made a path for someone as he came closer my anger boiled fueling my rampage I'm about to have.

"Sophia, you know when the guards said you were still alive I didn't believe them but then again you are the one I use to sleep with at night. I knew all your secrets, all the things that scared you. What happened? Your vampire scum figured you out?" Patrick asked sitting on the other side of the table. He thought he had me trapped just like the third in command thought before I killed him off.

"Patrick some people never change I see. Still the backstabbing ass hole you always been. Too bad I thought I loved you." I simply stated showing no emotion. Emotions were for people asking for a death wish.

"I see something or someone done something huge to change you. It makes me wonder who the real bad guys are us or you? Least I feel bad when I kill, you seem to kill for the hell of it." He scoffed looking at me in disgust, I narrowed my eyes and took my feet off the table. Slowly rising to my feet I clenched the table flipping it and tossing it at the guards.

"Oh you have no clue what I can do Patty cakes, ever made a deal with the devil?" I smirked at him.

"What are you talking about?" He asked as he too stood up.

"Tell me where the vampires are hiding, and I'll spare you and your scared friends" I demanded

"I don't know where those blood suckers are hiding. If you're trying to make a deal to be allies it won't happen." He gritted his teeth and crossing his arms. I stepped up to him and dragged my finger up and down his chest. His breath hitched and his body shivered.

"You and I, we use to have a lot of fun together. Tell me do you miss the way I make you feel?" I whispered in his ear.

"N..No, you disgust me!" He growled, I grabbed his face and gently kissed his lips. I watched as he sighed and tried to kiss back.

"Where is Kol?" I compelled him.

"Throne room." He stated.

"How many guards?"

"Fifty all together." he answered again.

"Where are the vampires?" I asked once more.

"I don't know" He stated once more. I smiled not needing any more information. I kissed his cheek and walked off leaving everyone one gasping at the sight they just saw. I saw the twins waiting down the hall, Kylie covered in blood leaning against a wall playing with the knife like always and Kade standing next to her arms crossed.

"What did you find?" I asked as I got closer to them and made our way back to our safety.

"That you lied to us!" Kade yelled.

"Lied about what?" I asked slamming the door shut.

"That your husband is your mate!" Kade argued

"He is my mate!" I yelled back showing them my mark.

"Why did we hear a guard talking about Kol being your mate? That sadistic bastard is the reason why we are fighting this damn war!" Kylie screamed.

"Its true, he is my second mate. Well technically first, he rejected me when I was your age. He broke the bond were through." I replied

"Get back with him, when he least expects it Kill him. The war would be over and we will be free." Kade ordered.

"Not that simple Kade, but I'll try that out. Great plan I'll find him tomorrow." I answered. Some times my son was really smart all his plans always come with success. With every battle won, means another step closer to our freedom. A freedom I can almost taste yet it's too far to take.

   As I laid on the floor contemplating if I really wanted to find Kol today my wolf ran in circles in my head. She was wearing me out. Finally after an hour of thinking I got up and found some clean clothes. I got dressed and tied my hair up and zipped up my boots. The twins wished me good luck and I was off. The halls were filled with guards as I neared the throne room, I passed by them without them suspecting anything after all I did wear the clothes the guards wore. I easily stepped in the throne room, the room held so many memories I wanted to burn it down. At the end was an office, the kings office now known as Kol's. I came up to the door knocking waiting for the bastard to answer. A few seconds after the door opened reveling a half naked Kol. His pants were low, and his muscles were on display and my oh my I forgot how hot he was.

"I was not expect-" He started to say before I slammed him to the wall.

"Don't speak." I ordered and mentally slapped my self. I slammed my lips on his, fireworks shooting off, sparks filled my body as he pulled me closer to his chest. A bliss came over me as my body felt numb. I quickly pulled away and looked up at him. He was confused that's for sure, I was about to step back but he pulled me back in and kissed me with more passion. The one thing I was afraid of was falling for the enemy. This plan better work, if not I think I'll be in deep trouble. Might as well sign my own death certificate.

Oh my gosh! Kolia just happened what is my mind thinking of that? Really brain why? ???????? I hate my self please shoot me.

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