I'm What?!

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I woke up in my bed with Daniel next to me holding my hand. Everything was slightly confusing but I did remember bits and pieces before I went into complete darkness.

"Sophia, you're awake. How are you feeling?" Daniel shot out

"Feeling okay I suppose but I think I'm just lacking blood." I dryly said.

He bit his wrist and lifted it up to my mouth offering me some of the sweet liquid. I quickly dug my teeth in and sucked the blood from his wrist greedily wanting more. I soon let go licking my lips and his wound watching it close. I smiled up at him and my tummy started to flip, making my smile turn to a frown.

"What's wrong?" Daniel asked as he watched my expression change. I quickly pushed him off the bed and ran to the restroom, fate had it out for me because I made it to the door and threw everything up on my hands. I ran to the restroom and washed my self off, this had to the worst feeling ever. My stomach hurt so bad and tears started running down my cheeks. Daniel was standing behind me rubbing soothing circles in my back trying to calm me down.

"I don't know what's wrong with me" I cried out as I rushed to the toilet again.

"Maybe you're pregnant?" Daniel suggested I finished my business and growled at him.

"No I can't it's not safe with this war going on. What will happen if they find out. Daniel they can use this against us." I cried out again.

"Baby it's going to be okay. We will send the best guards to watch you. No one will harm our baby." He stated. I cleaned my self up and we walked out of the restroom.

"I hope so, because if they try to even harm a hair on this littles head I will bring the worst wrath upon them." I threatened.

"I know you will love. Lets go see what the doctor says." He suggested and we got ready to go. We walked down the corridors towards the hospital wing in the castle every step made my jitters sky rocket. Once we reached the doctor she ran some tests on me and took some blood samples. We were currently waiting for the results and I couldn't stop my nerves. I was so scared for the future if I'm actually pregnant.

"Okay the results are in and to tell you the truth I was a little shocked. Sophia congratulations you're having twins." She excitedly stated.

"I don't know what to say." I stated.

"I know with the upcoming war going on this sounds like a road block but Princess this is a wonderful gift. I'm sure everyone is going to protect these babies." She assured me.

"Thank you doctor speak to no one about this." Daniel stated and helping me out of the room. I know I should be excited about this I've always wanted a baby and I got blessed with two. I am just scared for the future I have many questions running through my mind and I swear I will protect this kid. I was sitting in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to come bring me the vitamins I'm going to be taking for the rest of my pregnancy. I looked up and she was walking down the hall with a few bottles in her hand.

"Okay I need you to take one every day of this it's your prenatal vitamin, this red one is a blood capsule it helps stable your blood sippy for the three of you. This last one is iron so you can have thicker blood. Your pregnancy is much faster than a werewolf pregnancy Sophia, they carry their pups for six months, we carry our babies for a total of three months. I know it's really fast but if they stay in there any longer they will be too big to have naturally. Since you're a hybrid I must remind you to take it easy these babies will take a lot if energy from you and you will grow very sick. Just stay close to your mate and things will be fine. Now go to your room you need bed rest before you start getting I'll again. Also do you have any questions?" She asked me I shook my head not knowing what to ask.

"I do, how sick is she going to be?" Daniel asked.

"I'm afraid it depends on how strong the babies will be. Since you both come from a royal blood line her illness will be close to death, that's why it's important to stay in bed and take all the vitamins that I gave you. Stay close to her because she will need you the most. Now take her to the room for rest." She replied I do admit I'm starting to freak out more and more about this pregnancy it happened all so quickly.

"Thanks doctor." Daniel thanked and put his hand on my waist and ushered us back to the room. When we got there Daniel made sure that I took the pills and my pillows were fluffed.

"I promise you they will be safe no one will touch them." He promised as he laid next to me pulling me close to him.

"I hope you're right, I'm just scared." I admitted.

"You three will do fine, we all would." He answered as he rubbed my flat tummy.

"I'm so use to only protecting us or a pack, but my own kids what if they hate me? What if I can't tell them apart?" I questioned again.

"Sophia you are the smartest, strongest loving person I have ever met. You will be a wonderful mother and our kids will love you." Daniel commented.

"I suppose, look at me I'm already going crazy." I announced. Daniel chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"Its okay I'll love you no matter how crazy you turn." He joked earning a punch from me.

"That wasn't nice." He played hurt while holding the area I softly punched.

"I'm not one to play nice." I stated and wiggled my eyebrows.

"I definitely know that." He replied.

He started to massage my head and I moaned from pleasure I didn't know how tense I was until this simple action. Daniel laughed at me but continued to massage his fingers onto my scalp. The rest of the night went like this US talking and laughing. I enjoyed this calm, free loving side of Daniel. He kissed my lips and our mouth moved against each other perfectly. We soon let sleep take over us and I had a peaceful sleep. I woke up the next day to an empty bed, as soon as I woke up I rushed to the restroom to throw up once again. When I was done I went to wash up and dropped the soap and screamed. I screamed so loud I was sure the mirror was going to break. The door flew open in seconds with a worried husband. He took one look at me and freaked.

"What the hell?" He asked and passed out. I looked down at my growing stomach and rubbed it, I grew proficiently over night I looked close to five months.

"Well this is interesting." I commented.

Happy birthday @CareBearz123 i hope you had an amazing day. Everyone go check her stories out they're amazing just like her.

so with that said thank you
@KimBauerhuit and @ruthy_chula for all the votes! It means a lot to me.

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