Baby fever

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He passed out, the mighty vampire prince passed out cold. I shook him, nothing. I called for him, nothing. So like any crazy wife or girl would do is get a bucket of cold water, but not me right now it's payback. I rushed to the room and found a permanent marker, I walked back as fast as my legs would take me and started to draw on his face. I drew a heart over one of his eye and I drew shocking eye brows. I also wrote I'm fabulous on his forehead. When I was done I got up and hid the marker and walked out the room after I changed that is. I walked to the doctors wing I needed to know what happened. Once I got half way there I ran into Queen Katharina.

"That's new!" She squealed and rushed to me.

"Yea we found out yesterday but didn't expect them to grow so fast. I mean Daniel is in the room passed out. How did I grow so fast?" I rambled on rubbing my small tummy.

"You don't know? When a Royal has a baby the baby grows really fast for the first month then it slows down." She explained while rubbing my tummy.

"The doctor told me it will be fast but not this fast." I replied looking down at the small bump.

"Well we don't have much time we need to prepare a nursery and get everything the baby would need." She excitedly exclaimed.

"You mean babies." I corrected her and once more she squealed like a teenage girl.

"Oh my goodness! Double the fun and cuteness!" She giggled

"lets go and pick a room close to you. I'm thinking your old room since it's right next to yours and Daniels. We can paint it pink if the babies are girls or blue if they're boys." She added while dragging me down the halls of the old castle. Some times I wondered how it would be if I had a mother would she be as excited if not more?

"Mom what are you doing to poor Sophia?" Samantha asked while she stopped walking.

"We are preparing the room for my grandchildren!" She happily replied.

"No way! Sophia my brother is pregnant?" She asked then laughed.

"I mean my brother got you pregnant?" Samantha added while running after us.

"Yea we found out yesterday." I stated.

"Congratulations this is amazing news!" She commented.

"Thank you Sammy." I replied smiling at her. All three of us were busy packing all the stuff in my old room so we could make room for the babies.

"What are you guys doing?" Sarah asked walking into the room and giving us weird looks.

"Sophia is having our future nieces or nephews!" Sam cheered as she jumped on the bed like a little kid.

"Samantha off the bed sweet heart." Katharina demanded and Sam fell to her back and laid down.

"Mom I'm just so excited we get to hold cute babies." She sighed.

"You really are knocked up? What did Danny say about them?" Sarah asked sitting next to Sam.

"He was so excited he passed out... actually he is probably about to wake up any minute" I giggled to my self.

"Babe?" I heard Daniel call out from our room.

"We're in here love" I called out and he walked in and all the girls started laughing at him. I tried my best to be serious.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"Oh nothing just something we saw." I replied. Everyone continued to laugh at him making him annoyed.

"Seriously if you guys keep laughing you all won't hold my babies." He threatened and everyone shut up. Caleb came into the room with Christian carrying empty boxes once they looked at Daniel they dropped the boxes and pointed. They laughed at him making the girls laugh up again.

"What's so funny?" Daniel angrily asked crossing his arms.

"Have you looked at your face bro?" Christian asked.

"Ha ha real funny Chris." Daniel sarcastically stated.

"No serious man it's your face" Caleb added.

"All you guys suck I'm leaving." Daniel stated and stomped his way out of the room. Everyone laughed at him holding their sides trying to catch their breath.

"Wait for it 3 - 2 - 1" I commented.

"Sophia Arabella Ardeliania! What did you do to my face!" He yelled running back to the room. I gave him a sweet smile and wiggled my eye brows up and down.

"My best work I know" I giggled. He was about to chase me when Brian came running to the room.

"The mutts awake." He stated once he came to a full stop. He looked at Daniel and laughed.

"Don't say a word" Daniel hissed.

"But Danny you look fabulous" Sarah commented earning a death glare.

"Shut up Sarah I'm washing this off then going to the cells. Sophia you stay here" He commanded.

"Et ey captain fab." I joked.

"Really funny babe." He stated.

"I know I'm hilarious I crack my self up all the time" I replied he cracked a smile and shook his head walking out with the guys. We continued to laugh and joke around while cleaning up the room after a few hours everything was packed up and some workers started taking the boxes and furniture out. We all headed to the storage where Katharina said she held all her kids baby stuff. We were planning to refurbish Daniel's old furniture and have another crib made to match his old one. Once we find out what the kids are going to be then we will decorate according to the sex of the kids. This is something that I needed in my life a mom and sisters to keep me stable. Queen Katharina and her girls done just that. They were much more than my in laws they were my family my mom and sisters. I grew to love them as did they. We always had a good time together and laughed our night's away. I'm so thankful for having such a wonderful family surrounding me. With them by my side I'm not as scared anymore because I know they will help protect these babies with everything they're worth.

hey loves sorry it's short I'm so exhausted from working 2 jobs, raising a 2 year old and not having any days off. I just wanted to give you guys something to read until the big chapters come back.

also this chapter is dedicated to @klayleylover1 for guessing right. Thank you for reading my story I appreciate your support. Everyone follow her (:

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