Goodbye Kol

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My body was shutting down, there was so much pain in my heart. Pain that no one can fix, no one but time. My mind was a constant reminder of that pain, the events of two days ago played on a loop every time my eyes closed. Haunted by the bloody death of a long lost friend, a mate that was never truly mine. I sat there crying as Daniel pulled me away from my dead mate, my dead friend. I screamed and kicked my way out of his hold trying to run after  Caleb and Christian who carried Kol's dead body away.

Daniel held me back keeping me away from my awful truth, one I desperately wished to be a cruel joke. Yet as all these tears poured down my face I knew Kol would never be back, he would never come strolling down the hall way. His eyes would never sparkle, his heart would never thump again he would never steal a smile my way when his dad was yelling at us for breaking a very expensive vase. His parents would've  been just as heart broken as I, his pack would feel the loss of their Alpha and start their sorrows ceremony. I dropped to the floor crying wishing this pain would go away, my heart hurt and what made it worse my wolf was experiencing the same thing. We were broken and hurt for the mate that was supposed to be here for us. I felt arms wrap around my fragile body, as familiar sparks helped calm our pain, however it wasn't enough.

"Why did he have to die? Why did he have to leave me again?" I cried out.

"Shh it's going to be okay. I'm here remember I love you we will get through this together." Daniel whispered. I looked him in the eyes clouded with unsheaded tears, I want to believe him and trust he is right. I just feel alone and guilty at this death.


I starred at the portal that would take us to the human world, it will take me back home. I twisted my charmed ring on my finger as nerves wrecked my mind. Today we bury Kol, today I say my final goodbye. I really didn't want to come I'm scared to see his casket slowly drop to the ground, I'm scared for letting him go.

"It's time." Daniel stated as he pulled me out of my thoughts. I gave him a small smile and grabbed his hand, as King and Queen we walk through the portal followed by the twins then Caleb, Bryan and Christian who carried the casket. We were greeted with a familiar face, a face that grew old in the years that passed. A face that I'll never forget yet always love.

"Taylor!" I yelled as I ran towards my best friend who I haven't seen in years. He welcomed me in his signature bear hug and the warmth of his body brought mine back to peace.

"My my Soph you haven't aged a day since I last saw you." He complimented.

"Thank you Taylor, you remember Daniel right?" I asked as I motioned towards my beloved mate. They shook hands as they greeted each other.

"These are the twins, Kade and Kylie and you probably remember Caleb, Christian and Bryan." Daniel greeted as Taylor greeted everyone else. I started to wander off as all the familiar scents and sights brought me back to a time far away in a land that was so different. I let a tear slip as I remembered where I was going this was the place Kol found me when my mom died.

"You only realize what someone really means to us when they're no longer with us." I heard Kol's smooth voice whisper through the trees. Those were the words he told me all those years ago. I suppose it is true I never knew what he meant to me until he was gone and now it's too late to even do anything about it. I leaned against the great big tree trying to hold in my pain, I don't know how much I can take.

Hearing a twig snap I looked to my side and watched Kylie looking lost. She wasn't a nature type of girl today was her first time being in a forest. Her wolf is most likely itching to go on a run wanting to feel the forest floor beneath her paws. It's natural for our wolf's to love the forest.

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