Chapter 34- I Can't Breathe.

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*Jordan's POV*

I call Percy's aunt almost immediately. He needs to get as far away from this as possible, as soon as possible. And I need something to do. If I'm not busy, thins could go bad, very quickly. She agrees to take him in, starting two days from now. I'll have to drop him off, but after that... he's gone. The thought makes me sad. I've really gotten used to him being around. I also call the police. They ask a few questions, but don't seem all that interested. Of course they put a cop on the case and everything, but anyone who lives in a big city knows that it's not much good. But maybe...I stop the thought as soon as it starts. It will do me no good to lie to myself. I just sit with my head in my hands, heart aching. The minutes pass like hours.

Percy gets back after what seems like an eternity. For all I know, it might have been. Sometimes I swear that time stretches or compresses. Some minutes are longer than others. It doesn't take him 5 seconds to ask "Where's Ali?" Her name is like a dagger, reopening the wound in my chest. Not inflicted by her, of course. Just the hole she left behind. My eyes mist up again and I clear my throat, trying not to have an emotional breakdown in front of Percy. "Ah... Come sit with me for a minute." I say quietly, sitting down on the couch. This isn't going to be easy to tell him.

I swallow hard, memories of her coming flooding back abruptly. He just looks at me for a moment. "Are you ok?" he asks, tilting his head slightly. I shake my head slightly, blinking back tears. His voice is so much like hers, it hurts. Maybe it's better that he leaves. I don't know if I can stand the reminder. "It's Ali, Percy." I say, voice shaking. I press my palms to my knees to keep them from doing the same. His eyes widen slightly, and then his face falls completely, seeming to comprehend something. "Is she gone? Like Mommy and Daddy?" he asks, seeming quite unsteady. I wrinkle my forehead. "Not exactly. Some very bad men took her. But she might come back..." I say, trailing off. I see him struggle for a moment, and then burst into tears. I pull him into a hug, ignoring the tears that now roll down my own face. We have both lost her. And it's likely that he is the only one that understands how truly awful that is. I've gotten more attached to him than I ever expected. And now he has to leave too. I'll be alone again. It makes the wound sting even more.

He eventually runs into his room, just wanting to be alone. Honestly, I could use a bit of time as well. It's only been about two hours. Two hours since they took her. Stole my Ali away from me. And the pain has not subsided in the least. I end up curling into a ball, trying to heal my heart. I know that it won't help. Silent tears stream down my face, and all of a sudden, everything hits me. Memories fly through my mind, overwhelming me with her. I can't even breathe, it hurts so badly. She's gone. She's gone and I can't breathe. Her hair shimmers in the sunlight. My heart pangs like it's been stabbed. Her blue eyes gleam as she smiles at me. I feel like I'm being choked. Her soft touch on my cheek. I can't think. Her forehead pressed to mine as she whispers "Hey Superman." I. Can't. Breathe.

A/N: Yeah I know, that was very short compared to usual. Probably another one tomorrow. Thanks for reading! Slap dat vote button and drop a comment!

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