Chapter 45- Kryptonite

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A/N: Song on da side for max. reading awesomeness ;)

I'm at her side in an instant, completely controlled by the sudden rush of worry that comes flooding back. The calm relief that I'd so recently gained is gone now. Happiness, worry, confusion, joy, sadness and relief, all mixed into one. I'm not sure if I should be happy she's safe or worry about her condition first. I can feel tears well up behind my eyes as I look at her for a moment, in disbelief. She's by my side again. I have my Ali back. But she's hurt. She's in very bad shape, and I need to take care of her. Just like I've been aching to do for the past few months. I grab a knife off the cart beside me and slice the ropes on her arms and ankles, tossing the ropes and the weapon to the side when I'm done, disgusted that I had to touch what's hurt her so much. I'm careful not to touch her wounds, for fear of hurting her more. I'm overtaken by concern, but so relieved to be with her. I want an ambulance here right now. But I also just want to be alone with her. She's alive, my god, she's alive. This is a better situation than I could have asked for. She safe, at least from Steven. I couldn't say the same about death.

She locks eyes with me for a moment, and the look in her eyes is enough to tell me something is wrong, Very wrong. My heart sinks in panic as what I've been trying to deny as a problem is confirmed. She's dangerously close to death. I search her face for a moment, kneeling by her chair. "Ali. What's wrong?" I ask urgently. She tries to speak, but only mumbles incoherently. I blink tears out of my eyes and my jaw tightens. I can feel myself going into a state of panic. I can't lose her. Not so soon after I've gotten her back. Ian is at my side now, feeling her pulse and checking her eyes. I haven't gone through all of this to lose her now. "Her heartbeat's weak and she's very dehydrated. She's almost delirious." Ian says quickly. I choke back something in between a yell and a sob as she suddenly falls, slumping sideways out of the chair and into my arms. Her eyelids flutter and I get out a "No!", catching her carefully, and lowering her to the ground gently. I never let her go, cradling her in my arms and pulling her to my chest, tears starting to roll down my face. There isn't anything I can do. I hardly hear Ian's directions "Don't let her slip away Jordan! You have to keep her conscious!" That's all I can do, then? She's just doomed unless the ambulance arrives soon? I swallow hard, trying to breathe. She can't die. Ali. My Ali. My beautiful Ali. I love her so much it seems impossible. I know I might not be able to keep her alive, but I'm sure as hell going to try. I'm the only one in this room that can convince her to keep fighting. I can barely think. But I have to try something.

*Ali's POV*

I'm hardly aware of the chaos around me, slipping slowly into the oblivion. I want to fight, I really do. But I'm so tired. So exhausted with nothing to hold on to. Not a word, not a sight. So I try to feel. I try to focus on his arms around me, the light feeling barely coming through the haze. I hear his voice faintly, the sound only just breaking through the fog. But it gives me something, however slight, to hang on to. I want to see him. I need to see his face. So I push through the fog, trying desperately to reach the surface. But I don't move. I can't do it on my own. I feel myself falling, as hard as I try to stop. His arms are still around me, holding me together like they always have. I can hear his sobs, and I wish I could stop them. This wouldn't be such a bad place to die. But I don't want to leave him. I can't go on without him. I yell his name, hoping that he can help me to hold on. But my mouth won't move. I yearn to reach up and touch his face, but I'm trapped. I fear that if nothing happens, I'll slip. Fall down, forever down into the darkness. I focus on his touch as much as I can, but it isn't enough. I need something more to call me back. Then I hear his voice once again.

*Jordan's POV*

I can't lose her. She can't die. I rock her gently in my arms, whispering "Come on Ali. Come back to me." Another sob racks me. I'm almost sure she's gone. How could she be so silent? So still? She has to look at me. She has to smile and laugh like she always used to. Surely she'll open her eyes in a few moments, only playing a cruel joke. But she doesn't. I feel like I'm suffocating. "Please, Ali. I love you." I continue, holding her more delicately to me, the tears clouding my vision. I keep talking, praying she'll hear. "Please don't leave me here alone. I'll be your Superman, Ali. I love. Come back to me." One of my tears falls on her cheek, and I wipe it off gently, my hand shaking. "I want to marry you Ali. I want to spend the rest of my life loving you." I say, knowing I'm speaking to no one. But I can see only her. I know she's slipping. This isn't working. I can barely feel her pulse against my arm, fluttering lightly, like a bird. "Please Ali. Fight for me." I whisper desperately, almost forcefully. I know I have to try something more. And only one thing comes to mind. She's always called me Superman. I can do this. I just have to call her back. I blink rapidly, swallowing back my tears for a moment. And then I sing.

"If I go crazy, then will you still call me Superman?

If I'm alive and well, will you be there, holding my hand?

I'll keep you by my side, with my superhuman, mind,


I choke through the lyrics of the only song I can think of, my voice shaking. She is my kryptonite. Nothing in the world but her could stop me. But, nothing. Such a bipolar word. She does nothing. The tears roll down my cheek silently, and I stare at her for a moment, losing hope with each passing second. "I love you." I whisper, and press my lips to her forehead gently, shaking. It's impossible to keep going like this. I'm sure she's gone. And then she blinks.

I stare in shock for a moment, disbelieving. Am I seeing things? I won't allow myself to raise false hope. I look into her eyes intently, unable to speak, my entire existence seeming to rest on this one second in time. And then she whispers "You've always been my Superman."

The entire room bursts into applause. Only now do I become aware of everyone else in the room, circled around us, holding their breaths as I tried to bring her back. I look around briefly, and not a dry eye is to be seen. Mitch and Jerome cheer from their spot on the floor. But it doesn't matter. None of it matters. She's alive. My Ali is alive. I laugh, both in shock and in joy. Relief and pure joy. That is all I feel now. She's alive. "Ali." I whisper so only she can hear, pulling her up to me gently. She presses her forehead to mine weakly, and I know she's going to make it. She's awake now. She'll fight. I'm smiling like an idiot, yet still crying. I can be with her for good now. I can live out my life with her. I can marry her and have a family and be happy. I can have everything I've ever wanted. No, more than that. I can have her. Ali Jones. My perfect Ali Jones. She smiles slightly, eyes alert. She's not out of danger just yet, but she's at least conscious. That is what's most important. "My god, I love you." I say, smiling so widely it hurts. She smiles, chuckling quietly, probably unable to speak. I couldn't care less that the floor is hard and cold, or that EMT's are flooding into the room loudly behind me. I have my Ali back. And that's worth living for.

A/N: Woah, that was a feels fest. I considered ending it there, but there will be one or two more chapters to wrap thing up, and possibly some epilogue after that, we'll see. Hope you all enjoyed, and slap dat vote button! Drop a comment on about the resolution! Did you like it? Was it a good ending?

And, song lyrics were from "Kryptonite" by Three Doors Down. Look it up if ya don't know it.


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