00 | Synopsis

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Hello!! It's Amy here. Just a gentle warning that this story is absolutely going to have profanity and sexual content. RAISE YA HAND if you love the dirty stuff. 🙋

I also want to point out that I am not an escort. I don't know any. So if I get things wrong, then I'm sorry, but it's not my fault I was never pretty enough to be one. 🤷


Valerie has life in the palm of her hands, making an earning as an escort and living luxuriously through her clients. Her days are free and her nights are fun. That is, until she is approached by a regular client about posing as his friend's girlfriend for a weekend trip.

Alex is a workaholic and he's not ashamed of it. But with the pressure his parents put on him, he has to find a girlfriend quick since he had let it slip that he already has one. This white lie leads him to vent to his best friend, Lance, for help and with a pat on the back, Lance reassures him that everything will be alright.

Unexpected passion between an unlikely pairing shakes up their lives in more ways than one as a single weekend turns into many.

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