13 | Boiling Over

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Please Note: This chapter contains two character's point of view, starting with Alex and then switching to Valerie. Also, a reminder that any long passage that is italicized is meant to be a flashback. (: Enjoy~

 (: Enjoy~

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The plastic water bottle felt light in my hand as I lifted the opening to my lips, tilting it over a river of cold to stream straight down my throat. It was fifteen till 10 in the evening and I knew Valerie would arrive early, as she has been all week. While it seemed like I should be glad to have more time with her, I felt her behavior had grown odd.

In addition, I was still feeling a bit strange about the nonverbal interaction between her and Theo. I had spent some time to brush off those thoughts. It's Theo. If there was anything, of course he would tell me.


I held my breath as I heard her keys jingling outside the door. We have been dating for quite awhile now and yet she still has this effect on me.

"Hey," she greeted me in her sweet, almost melodic, voice.

"Hey, you're home early again," I stated as I made my way over to wrap my arms around her.

"Not glad to see me? Should I go out for a couple more hours?" She smiled and offered teasing eyes.

"No, I'm just surprised. You've been coming over just before 10 and I know for a fact that your clients usually ask for the appointments to start at that time." The words burned my insides as I spoke them, but I held my composure.

I hated that she worked this job and I hated that my own possessiveness was starting to eat away at the promise I made her. She deserved to choose what she wanted to do and I shouldn't have a say on that, especially because her profession was the reason we met.

"Well, lucky you. I've changed the schedule and they no longer own my nights."

I had to admit, I enjoyed falling asleep with Valerie. Before this week, I used to fall asleep alone and wake up in the middle of the night finding her arms wrapped around me. It wasn't the same.

"Oh? Then who owns your night?"

"You know who," she teased as she held my hands and led me to the couch. She pressed her lips against my gently as her hands worked to undo my pants. I couldn't think.

I let myself fall onto the couch, running my hands up and down her thighs as she got on her knees, wrapping them around my legs. I feel the dip in the cushions below me where her knees rested and I pulled her closer, making the weight shift slightly.

She paused, staring into my eyes. There was a twinkle in there that I knew was reserved just for me. This is it. These were the moments that reassured my jealous mind that she's mine. More mine than anyone else's.

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